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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 20:32
23-01-2011, 20:32

Global Estimating System

Category: Other Software

Global Estimating System

Global Estimating is an estimating programme that has been tailored for commercial use in the building and construction industry. It produces Bills of Quantities or detailed Estimates and Cost Plans. Designed primarily for use by commercial building contractors and professional Quantity Surveyors it includes features which allow it to be used in other industries where estimating is required.

Information that is entered into the program can be re-sorted or analysed by the use of powerful grouping columns. For example, the estimate can be summarised to produce totals by area, block, stage, cost centre, accounting group, or any user defined set of codes.

The program is successful throughout the world and has been improved and upgraded over a 15 year period. Many improvements have been in response to customer requests and suggestions.

Projects that the software has been used on include the Hong Kong Airport, the Malaysian Twin Towers, many of the developments for the Olympic Games in Sydney and the recently completed Lang Park Re-Development project in Brisbane.

Global Estimating System

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 17:05
23-01-2011, 17:05


Category: Other Software


The vision—"To Enrich People's Life Through Communication" has been the guiding light for Huawei people throughout their journey in extending services to carriers across the globe.They have left their footprint in every region where they have forged ahead with determination and strenuous endeavor, from the fertile and magic land along the Nile to Mesopotamia where ancient civilizations originate, from the fascinating but formidable Sahara to the vast Sub-Sahara plain whose beauty is shadowed by constant warfare and disease, from the florid Amazon rain forests with a Samba flavor to the passionate Caribbean Coast, from the European and North American continents featuring high-tech and precision to their oriental neighbors. Along the journey, Huawei network planning and optimization team is playing an increasingly important role in Huawei's global effort in deploying and developing mobile networks.

From the first generation analog mobile communication system to the current third generation (3G) digital mobile communication system, cellular mobile communications has been evolving for the past 20 years. Along with the mobile communication technology, the wireless network planning and optimization service was born and has increasingly evolved. The target of network planning and optimization is to improve the performance of the mobile communication network, meet the service requirements and balance network coverage, quality, and costs.

The network planning and optimization service goes through the entire lifecycle of the network. This service plays a key role in network construction through to the end-of-life of the network.


Tags: network, mobile, planning, optimization, service, communication, their, system, increasingly, generation, Huawei, journey, Along, through, where, deploying, analog, first, effort, networks

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 17:01
23-01-2011, 17:01

EngraveLab V8

Category: Sing Rip Print

EngraveLab V8

It's no wonder that so many engraving manufacturers either bundle EngraveLab alongside their devices or recommend it to their customers. EngraveLab is packed with engraving-specific features that provide complete design and production tools to our customers.

Why EngraveLab should be your only choice:

Designed by you. Software designed solely based on feedback from industry manufacturers and end-users. Create trophies, awards, signage, Braille, or mark parts quickly and easily.
Incredible detail and accuracy. EngraveLab's unmatched precision in raster engraving as well as vector cutting is proven each time a photographic image is converted and laser engraved. Your customers will be amazed by the spectacular results.
Produce other types of custom specialty items. EngraveLab supports dye sublimation printers, vinyl cutters and CNC machines. One software package that can cover all of your customers' needs.

EngraveLab V8

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:32
23-01-2011, 16:32

Elitron Elicad 2d V3.1.1

Category: Shoe CAD

Elitron Elicad 2d V3.1.1

ElitronCad is the first Cad/Cam system of the market thanks to its easiness of use and completeness. Developed under Windows operating system, it is characterized by original and simple solutions that spring from a direct knowledge of the footwear sector and from an intensive experience in the field of Cad/Cam applications. Besides ElitronCad 2D is an open system, compatible with any other Cad Cam system in the market.
User interface

It’s all on screen, in its icons and menus. ElitronCad has a rational and intuitive user interface: it features a large working area, a top toolbar containing all the functions shared by the modules and floating toolbars for the specific functions of the given module. The system interacts directly with the user in each single phase of the process through the on-line help, that makes the daily work easy also for operators without computer training. It is characterized by an extreme easiness of use.
Modular system

ElitronCad has been designed with complementary and independent modules. You can begin with the most useful modules and then add others as circumstances require. The modules of ElitronCad for footwear are six:

* Acquisition: through digitalisation, import or scanning.
* Engineering: with specific parametric functions for the 2D designing of footwear styles.
* Pattern Collection: quick and precise extraction of pieces from basic pattern.
* Grading: module for the size grading with its corrections that could be multiple, simultaneous and independent according to customer’s need.
* Nesting: optimal on-screen placement of pieces to be cut.
* Consumption: for the material consumption calculation and the production of technical reports.

The parametric functions allow obtaining automatically stylistic and dimensional changes on all pieces acting directly on the standard.

The system produces a wide range of reports: technical card of the style and its variants, consumptions, list of the basic patterns, customized printings upon customers needs.

Elitron Elicad 2d V3.1.1

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:28
23-01-2011, 16:28

Easy Map Viewer 11

Category: Textile

Easy Map Viewer 11

Easy Map Viewer is geared towards the improvement of sales presentations, either on the road, or in the showroom. Just point and click various designs onto product photos, and visualize new combinations on screen. Use product CD’s for a unique competitive advantage.

Your sales team will love this tool.
Show designs quick and easily in interior photographs.

Easy Map Viewer 11

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:24
23-01-2011, 16:24

Easy Map Creator Pro by NedGraphics 11

Category: Textile

Easy Map Creator Pro by NedGraphics 11

Easy Map Creator Pro

Easy Map Creator Pro is the advanced version of Easy Map Creator. Work faster and even more detailed with your grid and mappings.

With Easy Map Creator Pro you can accurately select, on a pixel level, which design color needs to be the transparent color. Since the new developments on masking and transparency customers experience the endless possibilities that Easy Map Creator Pro offers regarding the pre-paration of images and dynamically rescale and rotation of your fabrics and designs.

Another popular feature is the ability to pick colors for color assignment directly from the original image or from the resulting image. This function is very useful if you want to color coordinate some part of your original image to a fabric or design that has been mapped earlier.

Easy Map Creator Pro is our most sold solution of the Easy Map Suite.

NedGraphics screenshot Easy Map Suite

Highlights and features

• Dynamical rescale and rotate fabric and designs.
• Identify specific colors for transparency.
• Visually change or shift the origin of the mapping to fit exactly the position of the design within the area to be mapped.
• Advanced polyline options to add or extract selections from segments.
• Import a modified photo from Photoshop for example on the current 3D project.
• Automatic copy function from one grid to the others.

Easy Map Creator Pro by NedGraphics 11

Tags: Creator, product, photographs, other, standard, create, design, modules, mapped, software, content, Possibility, apply, access, exported, designs, images, realistic, grids, colorCreator, product, photographs, other, standard, create, design, modules, mapp

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:20
23-01-2011, 16:20

Holter CardioScan 11

Category: Other Software

Holter CardioScan 11

* Holter Analysis for Arrhythmias, ST, Pauses, QT, Blocks
* Heart Rate Variability with Spectral and Time Domain Analysis
* Multi-Day Serial Atrial Fibrillation Analysis
* QTc Validation Program
* SAECG Late Potentials with Vectorcardiography
* Pacemaker Analysis
* 3 or 12-Lead ECG Strips
* Color Coded Full-Disclosure and Coded-Print outs
* T-Wave Alternans - validated (12)
* 12-Lead Holter Recordings Processing (12)
* 12-Lead ST and QT Analysis (12)
* Transferable to Electronic Patient Files
* Windows XP and Vista Compatible

DMS300-3A Digital Recorder Included


* Pacemaker Detection
* Recording Time: 48 Hours
* Built in 256 Mb of memory
* PC connection USB cable
* 1 AAA battery
* 5-Lead Cable
* Pouch
* Size: 7.3 x 5.4 x 2.0 cm
* Weight: 38 g or 50 g (with battery)


Premier has redefined diagnostic Holter ECG systems: the association of a new Holter ECG recording technology and multiple diagnostic tests never achieved in Holter ECG software prior to us ! No additional hardware being required for the PC or the Printer, this new technology can be installed on any desktop or laptop that utilizes Windows XP or Vista..


Superior Holter processing begins with Premier... In less than 45 seconds the entire 24 hours of Holter ECG is transferred to the Hard Disk of the PC and analyzed. In addition to the now standard Full Disclosure, Arrhythmia, Blocks, ST, and Heart Rate analysis, Premier offers new cardiac diagnostic tests never yet provided in Holter ECG : (1) Time Domain and Spectral HRV analysis, with Lorenz & Poincaré plots, 3D Power Graphs, Medication Management, Sympathetic / Parasympathetic ratio and « Interbeat-Interval-Increment » percentages; (2) 12 Lead ST Validation with Histograms, Superimposition, Slope comparisons, 3D ST Graph; (3) new QT validation modules; (4) Atrial Fibrillation / Flutter Analysis ; and (5) Internet function for real time scanning or immediate transfer at a low cost for complete Holter recordings and reports, (6) T-Wave Alternans analysis, AND MORE. Numerous functions, either practical or for research purposes, make Premier the best technology available in Holter ECG analysis. And since modern technology is now fully integrated in software development, it is available at surprisingly very economical levels.


Multiple analysis methods include Spectral Analysis, Time Domain, Poincaré and 3D Power. Arrhythmias artifacts, and excess deviations of RR intervals are rejected. Interpolation techniques are used after rejection of arrhythmias and artifacts.


Whether using derived XYZ from 7-electrodes or traditional 12-Lead from 10 Electrodes, 3 and 12-Lead ECG strips can be printed from any time during the 48 hours Holter recording. The quantity of ECG strips generated is unlimited. An 8 seconds 12-Lead ECG strip covers a full A4 format page. 3 ECG strips of 3 Leads each are printed on one

Holter CardioScan 11

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:16
23-01-2011, 16:16

Assyst Bullmer 2010

Category: Garment CAD

Assyst Bullmer 2010

Assyst Bullmer 2010

Design assyst

Eliminate sample production with this comprehensive and user friendly graphics software package, developed for the clothing industry. Produce storyboards and colour ways, using R.G.B and /or Pantone© colours.

Create and modify fabric designs and visualise the results using the latest draping techniques. Include fabric effects and fills to show accurate and informative specification drawings and illustrations.

Available as a plug-in to Photoshop™

The knitting and weaving modules enable knits and plaids to be created and realistically displayed -
trouser patternCad.assyst

Cad.assyst is an easy to use programme enabling the user to create or modify patterns quickly and accurately.

Patterns can be entered onto the system by digitisation of existing styles or receive them by importation from other software or draft directly on the screen.

Construction and measurements can be checked accurately and modified where required.

Seams added change automatically with pattern amendments and added to split pieces.

The grading functions can be used to create a size range of your choice.

Create ratings or markers to get maximum utilisation of your material.

Nesting can be directly on screen, by automatic placement or

Smart pattern automates regularly performed tasks to standardize and de-skill operations such as facing and lining creation etc.

download document in PDF format (3230 kb)

Takes your Cad patterns, assembles them and tries them on a virtual body.

See how your garment fits in real time, make pattern adjustments and see the effect immediately, see where the material is under tension as the body moves, sits down, turns etc.

As well as dramatically reducing pattern development time, vidya can also be used to create and view made to measure garments.

download document in PDF format (3810 kb)
fit sleeve to armhole with easeMtm.assyst

The made to measure programme enables a reduced timescale from customer order to delivery via an easy, user friendly interface, entering client measurements to produce accurate patterns tailored to the individual’s requirements.

The skills of the tailor/ pattern maker are harnessed in the assyst software to enable a consistent standard of amended patterns.

Customer measurements for made to measure production are easily achieved using data from body scanners.

download document in PDF format (3230 kb)
Dataconv.assyst. conv.cad and Dataviewer

Globalisation of production requires that patterns are sent to other locations.

To save time and money sending hard copy patterns or markers

Dataconv.assyst enables effective communication data with your manufacturers either directly or via the internet using
DXF (Autocad™ etc) drawings can be converted using data viewer

DXF (Autocad™ etc) drawings and data in Gerber™, Lectra™, Investronica™, Microdynamics™ can be converted using data viewer

Organise and centralise the product development data to enable all departments to update and view progress in real time.

Eliminate mundane paperwork and clearly illustrate the product lifecycle from concept to the start of manufacture using comprehensive specifications, bill of materials, measurement charts and reports etc.

Assyst Bullmer 2010

Tags: using, patterns, pattern, software, enable, measurements, directly, measure, document, format, download, production, drawings, create, converted, viewer, Dataconvassyst, Autocad™, programme, where

Article info
  • Views: 3443
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:09
23-01-2011, 16:09

Actix Software 4.05

Category: Telecom Software

Actix Software 4.05

The ActixOne optimization platform provides a unified workspace for automating an unparalleled breadth of mobile network optimization activities. ActixOne is a multi-vendor, multi-technology platform that supports all key mobile network data sources, embeds automated diagnostics and solution-finding algorithms, and delivers visualization, analysis, and optimization software capabilities through a web-based interface.

Key features of the ActixOne optimization platform include:

Web-based interface: ActixOne uses smart client technology to provide a rich, interactive web-based interface that behaves like a desktop application. Dashboards with dynamic maps, charts, and tables provide powerful visualization capabilities.

Centralized data repository: The ActixOne repository is based on the scalable Oracle database platform, which allows mobile network optimization data to be brought together, synchronized, and archived in a single location.

Scalable to thousands of users and TBs of data: ActixOne’s 3-tier architecture can be scaled up and out to support both small regional deployments and large nationwide systems. ActixOne optimization platforms are deployed at Tier-1 operators where they support over 150,000 sectors, 40 Terabytes of data, and 400 users.

Modern service-oriented architecture: ActixOne is built upon proven industry technologies (J2EE application servers) and provides access to key capabilities and data over a standards-based web services layer.

The ActixOne platform is implemented with a multi-tier, service-oriented architecture.

Modular functionality: ActixOne has a modular architecture, enabling operators to expand their analytics capabilities as their mobile network grows or new data sources become available.
Tour ActixOne

Learn how our single powerful platform is changing the way mobile network analytics and optimization are done

Actix Software 4.05

Tags: ActixOne, optimization, platform, network, mobile, architecture, capabilities, interface, operators, visualization, users, repository, sources, powerful, their, provide, single, application, provides, serviceoriented

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 10-01-2011, 14:41
10-01-2011, 14:41

Exercise Manager V8 MISTRAL 4000

Category: Other Software

Exercise Manager V8 MISTRAL 4000

Exercise Manager V8 MISTRAL 4000

Simulators are being increasingly recognized by the marine industry as having great potential for use in maritime skill acquisition, training and assessment, providing accelerated and intensive experience in a safe and controlled environment, risk-free emergency response training and optimization of shipboard procedures.
For this reasons, the "MISTRAL 4000" Line has been developed in connection with the latest "State-of-the-Art" technology and the constant increase of on-board automation.

The Mistral 4000 Line key points are:

Simulators are being increasingly recognized by the marine industry as having great potential for use in maritime skill acquisition, training and assessment, providing accelerated and intensive experience in a safe and controlled environment, risk-free emergency response training and optimization of shipboard procedures.
For this reasons, the "MISTRAL 4000" Line has been developed in connection with the latest "State-of-the-Art" technology and the constant increase of on-board automation.
The Mistral 4000 Line key points are:

- Flexibility
- Expandability
- Reliability
- Functionality

These characteristic allows to configure simulation systems from a simulator capable of simulating a shipboard bridge operation situation for limited (instrumentation or blind) navigation and collision avoidance (Class C) up to a full mission simulator capable of simulating a total shipboard bridge operation situation, including the capability for advanced maneuvering in restricted waterways (Class A).

The "MISTRAL 4000" Line is certified by Italian Navy Register RINA as compliant with the requirements as set out in both section A-I/12 and section B-I/12 of STCW’95 convention configured as requested and with a prior approval by Maritime Authority, allows to realize STCW professional training courses.

These characteristic allows to configure simulation systems from a simulator capable of simulating a shipboard bridge operation situation for limited (instrumentation or blind) navigation and collision avoidance (Class C) up to a full mission simulator capable of simulating a total shipboard bridge operation situation, including the capability for advanced maneuvering in restricted waterways (Class A).

The "MISTRAL 4000" Line is certified by Italian Navy Register RINA as compliant with the requirements as set out in both section A-I/12 and section B-I/12 of STCW’95 convention configured as requested and with a prior approval by Maritime Authority, allows to realize STCW professional training courses.

The ECA SINDEL’s “Mistral 4000” Simulation System provides training for all levels of competence, i.e.:
• Basic training
• Intermediate training
• Advanced training
• Refresher training for qualified mariners and pilots.
The range of trainees covers different levels of college students as well as experienced seafarers, canal pilots, pilot trainees, tug operators, cadets, masters, etc

Exercise Manager V8 MISTRAL 4000

Tags: training, shipboard, Class, MISTRAL, section, operation, situation, allows, bridge, simulator, simulating, capable, mission, total, including, capability, advanced, maneuvering, instrumentation, limited