The DesignaKnit Graphics Studio is a sophisticated program within DesignaKnit for processing graphics files, whether original computer-generated art or scanned images or digital photographs, and rendering them as stitch patterns.
It offers fine control over the area of the image to be converted. Decide how many stitches and rows you want in the final result and set up the grid accordingly. The grid can have independent corners, so you can correct any skewing in the original, or use it to advantage to grab any part of the image at any angle.
The Graphics Studio gives the user complete control over how the colours in an image are converted to yarn colours - allowing the user assign image colours to yarns or yarns to image colours up to a maximum of 48 different yarns.
You can trial the conversion at any stage, and for automatic pattern selection on the knitting machine, can preview the effect of reducing the colours to a manageable number per row. For machine intarsia, hand-knitting, Swiss darning or other types of surface embellishment, you can work with up to 16 colours per row.
Take the converted image into DesignaKnit's Stitch Designer screen to continue work - perhaps by adding texture - and to prepare for knitting, whether by machine or by hand.
To download an interactive demonstration of DesignaKnit 7 Professional