» » DGS Ramsete III 9.05
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9-04-2010, 15:21

DGS Ramsete III 9.05

Category: Sing Rip Print

DGS Ramsete III 9.05

Ramsete III is DGS' historic product - once developed to meet the requirements of traditional printing. Today Ramsete III is more innovative, productive, flexible and easier than ever.
Product Description
Innovative : Millions of colors
you can handle up to 256 tones for every screen
you do not face any limit in the number of colors
better management of the separation in screens
better retouching tools for shadings
higher speed when elaborating highly shaded designs because there is no need to reduce the number of colors
better management of the functionality on screens in full color
Easy : User-friendly and intuitive interface.
Productive : High speed, multi-tasking and image compression technique make Ramsete III to one of the most appreciated products within the production chain of the textile printing industry.
Open : It can be easily linked via network to every CAD system (PC, MAC, SGI) and to scanners and plotters commonly used in the textile industry.
Flexible : Ramsete III continues to be developed according to the real customer requirements. Engravers, printing mills and design studios will also in the future determine the direction of the development.
Fast : Definitely one of the fastest products on the market, due to its efficient way of data processing. Ramsete III always tries to occupy the minimum of memory and thus reduces the time necessary to carry out all operations.
Screen : For color separations, generation of films, engraving cylinders. It indeed increases the customer�s productivity and enables a fast amortization of the initial investment.
It contains a high range of drawing functions, design, retouching tools and options for step and repeat. It directly interfaces all major types of plotters and laser engravers such as Robustelli, Stork, CST and Zedco.
Operating system: Irix, Linux
Colorways : For generation of colorways, printout on paper and textile. It combines creativity with reliability & leads thus to efficiency.
It is tailored to the needs of designers, stylists and colorists containing a high range of drawing functions, design, retouching tools and step-and-repeats capabilities. It supports an extraordinary treatment of half tones and does precise calculations of selective overlaps and color separations.
Operating system : Irix, Linux
Designer : Basic module for designing and retouching. It introduces to the world of designing & printing with CAD systems. The Entry level module of the Ramsete family. It is expressly dedicated to creation and retouching of textile designs allowing to
scan original patterns in A4/A3
clean the design
retouch particular or entire areas
do step and repeat
re-color with an internal color catalogue
print out on paper without any limitation of format

DGS Ramsete III 9.05

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