For technology to be truly valuable, it must improve a process, simplify a job, ...make the user's life easier..
This is exactly what you can expect with TEX-DESIGN™ state of the art program designed to help designers and merchandisers in the textile and apparel industries work more productively and efficiently. Many of these unique, time saving features are the direct result of feedback and collaboration with our customers worldwide.
With more than ten years of development, and incorporating refinements gleaned from millions of hours of practical, hands-on use, TEX-DESIGN™ is recognized throughout the industry for its sophistication, reliability, and ease of use. TEX-DESIGN™'s many automated features simplify the work process and offer a multitude of advantages. Consider all the possibilities from a program that enables you to:
Generate storyboards, with all subsequent changes reflected automatically
Create color variations and save the variety of colors using only one file
Rapidly create and access images
Be fully compatible with manufacturing equipment, insuring that fabric and garments can be manufactured with easily and efficiently
Create Internet Presentations of your fabric and garment designs
Save your work in all standard file formats