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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:25
17-06-2013, 14:25

MOST Visual Coloring 7.12

Category: Textile

MOST Visual Coloring 7.12

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:24
17-06-2013, 14:24

TecniSoft ModeST V 7.6

Category: Other Software

TecniSoft ModeST V 7.6

Liberi di controllare il modello FEM

Il modello è completamente tridimensionale senza la suddivisone in “piani” o “telai”, senza la creazione nascosta di nodi ed elementi aggiuntivi, ma con la gestione di nodi, aste, elementi shell, mesh, vincoli interni ed esterni completamente trasparente e modificabile.

Liberi di usare solutori affidabili e testati

I solutori non possono essere improvvisati. ModeSt si collega solo con solutori come ad esempio XFINEST e SAP2000 che con anni di esperienza, migliaia di installazioni e di controlli accurati possono garantire la correttezza dei risultati e la mancanza di instabilità numeriche.

Liberi di modellare la realtà

La modellazione è sempre un compromesso fra la precisione numerica e la corretta creazione dei disegni esecutivi. La possibilità di controllare e modificare fili fissi, scostamenti dai fili fissi e disassamenti, gli offset rigidi e le zone rigide configurabili ed interrogabili consentono di operare con la consapevolezza della qualità del risultato e nello stesso tempo di ottenere disegni sempre accurati, completi di quote, dettagli costruttivi, computi e distinte delle barre. Le personalizzazioni derivanti da anni di richieste dei clienti danno la certezza di ottenere disegni sicuramente pronti per il cantiere.

Liberi di fare qualsiasi struttura

ModeSt consente di modellare anche serbatoi, cupole, strutture reticolari, pile da ponte, ecc. Le strutture sono infatti generiche, con nodi con qualsiasi vincolo esterno, aste con svincolamenti d’estremità e offset, aste su suolo elastico, elementi bidimensionali membranali, flessionali e su suolo elastico, con materiali di qualunque tipo. Le fondazioni, anche a quote diverse, possono essere costituite da graticci di travi, platee di fondazione, plinti diretti o su pali di tipo rettangolare, a gradoni, a tronco di piramide, a bicchiere. In ogni caso è possibile gestire il programma come un modellatore FEM puro, per analisi di problemi di qualunque tipo, sfruttando la possibilità di intervenire direttamente sui dati e le opzioni del solutore.

Liberi dalle preoccupazioni per il futuro

ModeSt è sempre aggiornato per rispondere ai cambiamenti di normativa o alla necessità di nuovi metodi di calcolo. Negli anni sono stati implementati il D.M. 92, il D.M. 96, l’ordinanza 3274 e 3431, il D.M. 08, le analisi dinamiche, non lineari, di buckling, di pushover. Anche le diverse richieste dei professionisti sono state sempre risolte con aggiornamenti continui, miglioramenti e messe a punto che oggi ne fanno un software adatto a tutte le esigenze.

Liberi di operare in breve tempo

I numerosi tutorial ed esempi su argomenti specifici e l’assistente che per ogni comando in esecuzione spiega in dettaglio ed in tempo reale il significato dei parametri da inserire consentono di essere operativi in brevissimo tempo. La possibilità di annullare e ripetere un numero infinito di operazioni (funzioni di UNDO e REDO) anche nel caso di operazioni invalidanti i risultati del calcolo permette di operare senza il timore di fare errori, con la certezza di poter sempre ripristinare la struttura modificata erroneamente. La guida in linea sensibile al contesto e completamente ipertestuale con rimandi a note tecniche ed esempi permette l’approfondimento di qualunque comando o procedura.

Liberi di collegarsi con altri programmi

La possibilità di creare macro in VBScript consente di creare procedure esterne per esportazioni o importazioni di dati, per lo sviluppo di interfacce personalizzate, per la realizzazione di collegamenti a database, ecc. L’importazione di architettonici come lucidi di modellazione anche tridimensionali da DXF e DWG, l’importazione diretta da CAD di nodi ed aste o di sezioni, le interfacce con Revit e con Auto_C.A. consentono il colloquio con i programmi di disegno e progettazione di ultima generazione. La relazione di calcolo si collega automaticamente con Word e con OpenOffice.
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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:21
17-06-2013, 14:21

Micro Map - GIS and Photogrammetric Software V2.0

Category: Other Software

Micro Map - GIS and Photogrammetric Software V2.0

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:18
17-06-2013, 14:18

Kodak Dental Image Software ( KDIS )

Category: Other Software

Kodak Dental Image Software ( KDIS )

Kodak demonstrated their new CBCT software during the AAOMR meeting in Louisville, Kentucky this year. The software is feature packed and has an intuitive interface. We just got our hands on the latest beta of their 3D viewer called: Kodak Dental Imaging Software 3D v2.2 (KDIS).

The software is still in beta stage and under development. From what we heard from Kodak, they intend to release the software as a shareware or freeware. Yes, you heard it right! (Update: the software will burned to the disc if you own a Kodak machine as a viewer but it is free). The software will be You might wonder: but it would open just Kodak CBCT volumes, right? Not really, the software is able to open not only Kodak CBCT volume but all other 3rd party CBCT volumes as well. (Update: there are issues with mis-orientation of the volume from 3rd party Cone Beam CT data sets). In this article we will review KDIS and see what it has to offer. We will explore the interface, see a list of features, and limitations in the current version.
- See more at:
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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:14
17-06-2013, 14:14


Category: Other Software


The new NRG is capable of vector cutting and raster marking, equipped with a range of CO2 sealed laser sources the NRG defines a new standard in low cost laser systems. The NRG has been designed to process flat materials providing cutting, marking, piercing, kiss cut, superficial treatments and colour change on material such as plastics, wood, paper, rubber, acrylics, polyesters, teflon, textiles, cork, leather, foam rubber etc.)

Thanks to its flexibility, robust design and outstanding performances the NRG provides a professional laser cutting solution for application such as sign-marking, cardboard, paper, textile, leather, veneer and general converting.

The NRG is designed on basic principles, using quality brushless motors and a new SEI proprietary algorithm provide a smooth accurate movement. The NRG is available in a wide range of working areas from 1600 x 1000mm up to 2000 x 3000mm. with options such as CCD camera, sliding tables and a conveyor.

The new NRG is a class 4 laser system and complies with international safety standards (CE, CDRH, IEC825). Light barriers for additional safety are available as options. Loading and unloading of large sheet material is simplified by easy access from all sides. Materials, (even roll materials) are easily moved by the optional conveyor system.

The laser system is driven by an external computer running Windows XP. and ICARO software (provided with the machine) via LAN connection - Parameters such as power, frequency, processing speed are easily adjusted to obtain the required result on various materials, once adjusted the parameters are saved within the materials library for future use. Drawings in several CAD or graphic formats such as *.plt, *.dxf, *.hpgl *.pcx, *.bmp, *.mcl, besides machine formats can be imported with text and logos being edited via an internal editor.

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:12
17-06-2013, 14:12

Philips Zymed Holter 1810 Series

Category: Other Software

Philips Zymed Holter 1810 Series

Philips Zymed Holter 1810 Series

Philips 1810 Holter analysis applications are designed to save time. lower costs and improve an operator's ability to process even the most difficult cases. Enhansed connectivity allows export in vectorized PDF format that provides scaling for easy reading. Can securely transmit attachments via email and easily export in format compatible with your Electronic Medical Records in a non-proprietary format. Built in PDF reports for EMR means no third party software is required.

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  • Views: 2915
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:10
17-06-2013, 14:10

Delta Media Server

Category: Other Software

Delta Media Server

Many applications require a high quality source of imagery, matched to the particular display system, whether a projected 3D Cinema, multi channel Full Domes, Digital Signage installation or heritage experience inside a museum or Visitor Attraction. Delta can provide up to fully uncompressed 4:4:4 imagery onto any shape screen, mixed with live video, still imagery and special effects, all performed in real-time so that system installation and customer show creation is rapid and accurate.
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  • Views: 2810
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:08
17-06-2013, 14:08

INTERMARK Biesse Group inter CAD - Bevel

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

INTERMARK Biesse Group inter CAD - Bevel

Article info
  • Views: 3224
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:06
17-06-2013, 14:06

ACOM PRO PC 6.0 - Hardlock Dongle

Category: Other Software

ACOM PRO PC 6.0 - Hardlock Dongle

ACOM PRO PC 6.0 - Hardlock Dongle

ACOM.PC 5.0 and higher
General Information / Overview
of 132
ACOM.PC product overview
Area of application
ACOM.PC is part of the ACOM product family of Siemens Medical Solutions for
networking, archiving, and reviewing cardiological images in particular and DI-
COM image material in general.
ACOM.PC is a PC-based display station for reviewing cardiological images stored
on CD, MOD, local or network directories
or hard disk drives, or the
ACOM.PC provides an image display quality
that is superior to that of an S-VHS
recorder but is less than that of the acquisition system.
With ACOM.PC you can display cardiological image material (512/1024 matrix,
8/12 bits, compressed) but it also supports the display of angiographic single
frames (uncompressed, 8/10/12 bits, 102
4 matrix) and scenes (compressed, 8,
10, 12 bits, 1024 matrix). DSA scenes are
displayed in native or subtracted mode,
the bit depth is limited to 8 bits on display.
ACOM.PC usually displays images in their original size as long as the image size
does not exceed the 512 matrix. Otherwise
the images are reduced in size. Im-
ages that come in a 1024 matrix are zoomed but displayed in full spatial resolu-
tion. ECG curves are displayed with scroll bars if they exceed the 512 matrix in
one direction.
ACOM.PC can also display images provided by ultrasound and nuclear medicine.
Article info
  • Views: 3163
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 13-09-2012, 12:48
13-09-2012, 12:48

HTC Vivid Tems Pocket 12.1

Category: Telecom Software

HTC Vivid Tems Pocket 12.1

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ascom Network Testing, the leader in mobile network testing, optimization, and benchmarking solutions, and HTC Corporation, a global leader in mobile innovation and design, today announced an agreement allowing the integration of two of Ascom’s mobile network testing products –TEMS Investigation™ and TEMS Pocket™ – with two HTC Android™-based 4G LTE smartphones: the HTC Rezound™ and the HTC Vivid®.

"Our phones integrated with Ascom TEMS tools allow our key operator customers to leverage the benefits of our 4G LTE smartphones to accelerate 4G network deployment, troubleshooting and optimization”

The agreement enables network engineers to use TEMS Investigation™, the industry-leading tool for wireless network drive testing, and TEMS Pocket™, a smartphone and advanced test tool-in-one for wireless network verification, to test, monitor, and verify quality of service on 4G LTE networks utilizing HTC Android-based 4G LTE smartphones. Benefits of the combined solution include:

Interoperability between HTC Rezound and Vivid smartphones and TEMS Investigation
Single source delivery of HTC Rezound and HTC Vivid smartphones preloaded with TEMS Pocket application

In addition, the agreement allows HTC to use TEMS Investigation and TEMS Pocket to test, optimize, and validate the performance of its 4G LTE smartphones to verify quality of experience over LTE networks before and after commercial launch.

"4G LTE technology presents a unique set of challenges in verifying quality-of-service for voice, data and video applications,” said Rikard Lundqvist, General Manager of Ascom Network Testing. "This agreement with HTC – a global innovator in 4G LTE smartphones – enables us to extend our 4G LTE leadership to handheld testing with TEMS Pocket.”

"Our phones integrated with Ascom TEMS tools allow our key operator customers to leverage the benefits of our 4G LTE smartphones to accelerate 4G network deployment, troubleshooting and optimization,” said Mohammed Versi, product management, HTC.

Ascom Network Testing is a leader in LTE testing, with its Ascom TEMS Investigation™ and TEMS Pocket™ solutions used to test 60% of all 4G LTE network deployments worldwide. The agreement with HTC now extends this leadership by providing TEMS customers with the ability to test 4G LTE network quality from the end user’s smartphone perspective. The integration of HTC Rezound and HTC Vivid with TEMS Pocket 12.1 is currently available, and the HTC Vivid is currently available in TEMS Investigation 14.1.

Today’s announcement continues Ascom Network Testing’s track record of working with the world’s leading handset, chipset and infrastructure vendors to enable wireless operators and service providers to have timely and efficient network deployments and quality of service across a vast set of technologies and standards worldwide. Through its commitment to internal R&D, its extensive history in the mobile industry and investments in partnerships with mobile technology leaders, Ascom Network Testing continues to pave the way for multi-vendor, multi-format and multi-environment network testing, optimization and benchmarking.