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20-04-2010, 13:00

NovaCast NovaFlow Solid 2.92

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

NovaCast NovaFlow Solid 2.92

NovaFlow & Solid CV is a new complete simulation package. Using new advanced numeric models and a new meshing technology, Control Volume, it is the most efficient simulation package on the market.

NovaFlow & Solid CV requires less than one hour to set up a complete simulation including start-up, meshing and running. The resulting simulation will be extremely accurate in accordance with your 3D drawings.

NovaFlow & Solid CV
is a complete mould filling and solidification simulation package based on advanced fluid flow and heat transfer theories.
NovaFlow & Solid CV utilizes Control Volume Meshing technology (CVM). With this technology, the surface of the 3D model controls the shape of the mesh elements on the border of the casting. This creates cubic elements inside the casting and border cells on the boundary of the casting.

Advantages of using the CVM technology
The CVM technology has the following advantages in comparison with the FDM / FEM method:

For most castings, simulation time is reduced to around 10% with the same or better accuracy. (FDM)
Higher accuracy in simulation thanks to perfect description of the 3D model. All sections are correct in size. (FDM)
CVM needs less cells to define the casting geometry and ensures faster simulations and smaller result files. (FDM)
The meshing process is completely automatic and takes only seconds. (FEM)
The method enables more advanced calculation such as gas flow, contact task (stress) or full mould process. (FDM)
NovaFlow & Solid CV unique technology

Besides the new meshing technology, NovaFlow & Solid CV has the following unique functionality:

Possibility to use the ATAS thermal analysis system for updating the alloy database in NovaFlow & Solid CV with actual data based on poured samples. The effect of graphite expansion can be accurately modelled.
Formula function for creating your own criteria, for example calculation of Dendrite Arm Spacing (DAS) and matrix.
With particle tracer function users can more accurately simulate flow behaviour and also induce slag particles into the melt for tracing.
Thermal modulus calculation with feeder design. Size of feeder and feeder neck is calculated.

NovaCast NovaFlow Solid 2.92

Article info
20-04-2010, 12:55

EnCase v 6.13

Category: Other Software

EnCase  v 6.13

From the simplest requirements to the most complex, EnCase� Forensic is the premier computer forensic application on the market. It gives investigators the ability to image a drive and preserve it in a forensic manner using the EnCase evidence file format (LEF or E01), a digital evidence container validated and approved by courts worldwide.

EnCase Forensic also contains a full suite of analysis, bookmarking and reporting features. Guidance Software and third party vendors provide support for expanded capabilities to ensure that forensic examiners have the most comprehensive set of utilities.

EnCase  v 6.13

Article info
20-04-2010, 12:10

Caneco BT

Category: Other Software

Caneco BT

Caneco BT V.5.2 is a � calculation + schematics � software for low voltage electrical installations.
It is the European leader of its sector and it obtained three technical certificates: NFC 15-100, BS, RGIE.
It defines, cost effectively, the wiring system as well as the distribution devices according to a multi manufacturers database.
It produces every diagrams and useful documents for the conception, implementation, control and maintenance work of the installation.

Caneco BT

Article info
20-04-2010, 12:06

Tops100 TRUMPF Tops 100

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

Tops100 TRUMPF  Tops 100

Easy to operate
The Windows�-based software is operated by the same user interface as the entire laser system. Using basic workflow programs, you can program simple sequences, which are programmed and stored in work piece files to be used as needed for recurring tasks.

Quick revision
The CAD editor provides all functions that are available on full CAD programs for drawing and arranging graphic objects. The integrated converter imports DXF/DWG, HPGL and IGES data formats, and BMP, TIF, JPG, and PCX pixel formats. Quickly can create text with laser optimized standard type or TrueType fonts taken from Windows. You can also use the CAD editor to create data matrix and barcodes. The editor integrates variable data such as time, date, or serial number, either automatically or through an interface.

Organized storage
Store all laser parameters in a separate dialog � well organized and arranged by topic, - to easily create a database of your laser parameters. You can use parameters that have been optimized for a specific material, time and time again, either as a reference or as a quickly modified copy.

Seamless integration
With the integrated interface, one can take over variable production data in a pre-defined marking program online. TruTops Mark offers a variety of alternatives for controlling integration of the marking laser into existing production systems. A COM in-process server forms the interface to your in-house developed software.

Tops100 TRUMPF  Tops 100

Article info
20-04-2010, 11:59

Bysoft ByBase 6.7.3

Category: Other Software

Bysoft  ByBase   6.7.3

Bysoft � The backbone of your File-to-Part process chain
Bysoft is the program package developed by Bystronic for all cutting and bending processes. Bysoft embodies the highest of efficiency: It is optimally tuned to Bystronic machine systems and more than any other software permits the optimum use of all aspects of the cutting and bending technologies.
Software for sheet processing
Constructing individual 2-D parts
Creating cutting programs
Vectorization of pictures
Plant Manager Cutting
Unrivalled efficiency for order processing and production
Software for processing tubes
Parameterized construction of tube parts
Creation of tube-cutting programs
Software for bending
Creation of bending process data
Add-on programs
Generation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning components
Remote diagnostics
Tracing of process abnormalities

Bysoft  ByBase   6.7.3

Article info
20-04-2010, 11:53

Easy Loom Explorer vers. 2.4,

Category: Textile

Easy Loom Explorer  vers. 2.4,

Welcome to the Easy Loom Explorer vers. 2.4, the professional program developed by PROMATECH S.p.A.

With this software it is possible to:

Create, process, print dobby patterns to be woven on weaving machines.
Create, process, print color patterns to be woven on weaving machines.
Convert dobby patterns and color patterns according to the different types of weaving machines.
Transfer dobby patterns from and to pocket Staubli via serial line.
Transfer dobby patterns directly to the loom via serial line.
Display, print, export loom statistics files, i.e. machine operation data.
Display, print, export loom stop history files, i.e. data concerning the most recent loom stops.
The software is entirely produced by Promatech S.p.A, and operates with Windows 98 2000 XP.
SP 251
P 401
P 1001
SP 1151
9000 PLUS
Leonardo Silver
Silver HS
Silver Dina Terry
Thema 11
Super Excel
Alpha PGA
Mythos E-TEC

Easy Loom Explorer  vers. 2.4,

Article info
20-04-2010, 11:40

Frame Cad Uzay �at� sistemleri

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

Frame Cad  Uzay �at� sistemleri


Kullan�lan materyal �elik borular, konikler, civata ve somunlardan meydana gelir. Bunlar �ubuk borular�n �e�itli �apta �elik k�relere civatalanmas�yla elde edilir. Bu k�resel yap�lara k�re denir. Herhangi bir �retim hatas�na kar�� �retimimizin �o�u CNC makinelerinde yap�l�r.

Borular �zerinde olu�an bas�n� kuvveti k�relere somunlar arac�l��� ile �ekme kuvveti ise civatalarla transfer edilir. Uzay �at� �zerindeki y�k "framecad" adl� �zel bir programla hesaplan�r.

En k���k eleman bile, mimarlarla i�birli�i yapan kendi m�hendislerimiz fabrikam�zda taraf�ndan geli�tirilir ve iyi e�itimli teknisyenler taraf�ndan monte edilir. Uzay Sistem uzay �at�y� en uygun �ekilde, en k�sa zamanda, ileri teknoloji bilgileri ve bilgisayar destekli teknoloji deste�i ile yapar.

Uzay �at� sisteminin avantajlar�

�abuk �izim, imalat ve montaj
K�sa s�rede, d���k maliyetli uygulama
Projelerde �a�da� ��z�mler
De�i�ken mod�l ve y�kseklikler
Fonksiyonel kullan�m imkan�
Ayd�nlatma ve havaland�rma sistemleri ile beraber kolay uygulama
Serbest �izim
Estetik g�r�n�m
Korozyona kar�� y�ksek dayan�kl�l�k
Her t�rl� �at� kaplama materyali ile de�i�ik uygulama imkan� i� ve d�� �evrede dekoratif g�r�nt� yarat�r
Sistem elemanlar�n�n kolay ta��nma ve depolanma imkan�
Yerde ve havada montajda �abukluk avantaj�
Uzay �at� �� boyutlu �ok rijit bir yap� tarz�d�r.
Bu y�zden d���k sistem y�kseklikleriyle b�y�k a��kl�klar ge�ilebilir.

Frame Cad  Uzay �at� sistemleri

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