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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:24
20-04-2010, 14:24

Codesoft 7

Category: Other Software

Codesoft 7


Completely redesigned and easier to use, CODESOFT 9 advanced label design and integration software offers unmatched flexibility, power, and worldwide support – making it the best choice for label printing in enterprise environments.

New Features in CODESOFT 9:

Completely redesigned – you can now create labels in half the time!
Wizards for database connections, table lookup, formulas, bar codes, images, documents, templates, and more
Create database connections in just 2 simple steps
Modify existing labels using the wizards
View labels and data in the same screen
Dynamic view of label changes
Simplified database queries
GS1 Databar and HIBC bar code wizards
Create simple or complex database queries (SQL) in a graphic editor
Label Comparison tool for previewing labels at design or production stages
Advanced Features (choose between .NET wrapper and ActiveX for custom integration)
Every new purchase of CODESOFT 9 also includes a free 3-month Software Maintenance Agreement – giving users access to updates, upgrades, drivers, priority support and more at no additional charge. For more information, visit

With TEKLYNX’s CODESOFT bar code label design software, you can easily integrate bar code label printing into your business environment, dramatically enhancing both efficiency and control. Whether your goal is managing assets and resources, controlling distribution channels and stock levels, tracking documents, or managing data records, CODESOFT 9 bar code label design software provides a powerful solution for your organization's most advanced labeling projects.


For Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Vista, Server 2003, and XP
Simple installation process
Easy to use
Drag-and-drop label design
Printer support for over 2,100 thermal and thermal transfer printers, plus any Windows printer
Advanced RFID tag support
Graphic support for over 45 formats including BMP, EPS, GIF, IMG, JPEG, MAC, PCX, TIFF, WPG, and more
Available in network and print-only versions; no security key required
Codesoft 7

Tags: label, CODESOFT, design, support, software, database, labels, Windows, Features, integration, wizards, Advanced, redesigned, connections, Completely, managing, printing, Server, thermal, queries

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:17
20-04-2010, 14:17

imos Cad V 6

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

imos Cad  V 6

imos Cad  V 6

Individual structural elements such as uprights, floors, frames and fillings are designed with an array of materials, coatings, edges and profiles on the PC, and then assembled to complete pieces of furniture with the aid of a construction assistant.
Furthermore, a dimension independent construction is created and can be deposited and organized in libraries. This also includes elements beneath sloping ceilings or with floor plans featuring non-orthogonal angles. imos portrays the 3D model as realistically as possible, as the linkage to manufacturing is not just an option. Once completed, no further manual steps are necessary to machine manufacture the element.The image resolution can be adjusted according to the relevant task with a multi-level visualization. The fitting logic, which analyzes individual connections and selects a suitable fitting from the catalogue and positions it automatically should be emphasized here.After completion of the design phase single parts diagrams and manufacturing documents such as sectional, fitting and edge lists include 2D / 3D graphics which can be generated on demand. All data is stored job-orientated in the SQL database and can be accessed for further processing.

imos Cad  V 6

Tags: fitting, further, construction, which, manufacturing, elements, selects, connections, catalogue, should, emphasized, automatically, positions, individual, suitable, logic, adjusted, resolution, image, according

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  • Views: 6006
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:14
20-04-2010, 14:14

TEMS Investigation

Category: Telecom Software

TEMS Investigation

TEMS Investigation is the industry-leading tool for troubleshooting, verification, optimization, and maintenance of wireless networks. Offering data collection, real-time analysis, and post-processing all in one, TEMS Investigation is a complete solution for all of a network operator’s daily network optimization tasks. This complete solution eliminates the need for multiple tools, reducing costs and saving time and effort for operations staff.
TEMS Investigation supports all major technologies, making it the ideal solution both for rolling out new networks and for ensuring seamless integration with existing networks.Using TEMS Investigation, operators can achieve improved voice quality, increased accessibility, improved retainability, and better service performance. A wide range of powerful, easy-to-use features makes TEMS Investigation essential throughout the network’s life cycle.
TEMS Investigation also offers true multi-vendor support as well as multi-technology infrastructure support. It supports handsets from all major vendors across multiple technologies.
In order to post-process the data that can be collected with TEMS Investigation, TEMS Presentation can also be used to view, optimize, and improve quality of service easily and conveniently.
Use TEMS Investigation to:
Tune and optimize networks
Perform fault-tracing and troubleshooting
Verify true terminal behavior with phone based measurements
Verify cell coverage, capacity, accessibility, etc.
Troubleshoot the network
Perform indoor, pedestrian, and outdoor measurements
Post-process multiple logfiles

- TEMS investigation 8.0.3
- TEMS investigation 9.1
- TEMS investigation 10
- Tems Investigation 11.0.1

TEMS Investigation

Tags: Investigation, investigation, network, multiple, networks, solution, optimize, accessibility, measurements, quality, supports, complete, service, optimization, Verify, troubleshooting, Perform, technologies, major, support

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:09
20-04-2010, 14:09


Category: Textile


This system ensures the easy and rapid creation of patterns both for machines with electronically controlled bars, and for machines with mechanical drive (link chain). It can be used on any PC which has a Windows 2000/XP operating system.
ComezDraw 4 is the ideal instrument for all the users of our machines, and offers a number of benefits:
a design can be created and modified in minutes thanks to the use of a scanner
easy storage of set-up charts on computer and automatic calculation of yarn consumption
it reduces errors and thus also the time needed for trials with the machine thanks to the realistic simulation of the end result
automatic programming of the COMEZ electronic machines.


Tags: machines, system, thanks, automatic, consumption, charts, calculation, computer, setup, storage, created, design, modified, minutes, scanner, reduces, benefits, COMEZ, programming, electronic

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:06
20-04-2010, 14:06

Comcut XP

Category: Other Software

Comcut XP

BAUMGARTEN finishes molds by using efficient machinery. The tools are regularly serviced and optimized. This diligence guarantees you a high standard of safety and dependability with all orders.

The well arranged coil warehouse also ensures the prompt execution of placed, short term orders.

Modern welding robots and resistance welding equipment join, exactly to the point, the single parts which become assembled units for later installation.

All parts are prepared and delivered – just in time – as per your needs, therefore, you can run your production more effectively.

Comcut XP

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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 13:59
20-04-2010, 13:59


Category: Other Software


AG-VIP SQL helps you not to lose track:

You can freely arrange the depiction of information according to your employees' tasks. Data can easily be exported and imported. All relevant functions for address management, e.g. duplicate check, search, analysis, automatic zipcode identification throughout Germany etc. are integrated directly.

AG-VIP SQL is communicative:

As soon as you receive a phone call, the caller is identified based on the TAPI interface. Consequently you have all relevant information at your disposal in order to make an effective phone call. In the same way, you can dial directly from a data record or generate a resubmission.

Having marked your E-Mail address, your email-client starts with the given adress.

AG-VIP SQL gets done even more than writing letters:

The tools help to generate standard letters and faxes at the push of a button: Integrating a software such as MS-Office, a contact entry in the history is generated automatically. If you like, you can link the new document directly with the contact entry.

For bulk mailings, the standard letter function combined with MS-Office offers a wide variety of options.

AG-VIP SQL keeps things in order:

The integrated resubmission management helps you to keep a cool head. AG-VIP SQL reminds you on time to meet deadlines on offers to be handed in and on presentations to be prepared. You will keep a clear head for anything that is absolutely relevant.

AG-VIP SQL communicates with MS-Outlook:

Via the tools you enter appointments and tasks directly in MS-Outlook. Simultaneously, the contact data are transferred directly from AG-VIP SQL. In this way all appointments and tasks referring to the address can be shown in MS-Outlook via a tool. Vice versa, any address can be shown in MS-Outlook referring to appointments and tasks entered via AG-VIP SQL.

You can link outgoing mails with the history just in the same way as any other document. In this way you can bring pre-defined standard mails about via mail templates in connection with MS-Outlook.

AG-VIP SQL is integrative:

The integration into the existing IT surrounding is an important requirement. That's why AG-VIP SQL offers numerous programming interfaces based on VB-Script. Macros can be established or carried out depending on occurences.

AG-VIP SQL automates the stages of work and directs the campaigns:
With the optional Workflow-Engine with AG-VIP SQL you break up the stages of work complex (Workflows) into unit stages. A ticket traverses these stages of work. The user treats the ticket in a stage. Finally the user can carry out a classification or macro carries out an automatic classification. With that the ticket is transferred in the following stage with all corresponding information. That simplifies and accelerates the essential processes. Quality grows because each process is treated same manner.

With that AG-VIP SQL is appropriate for the marketing of the telephone in Callcenter, the automation of the processes of sale or the campaigns of marketing on several levels.


Tags: AGVIP, directly, MSOutlook, tasks, address, stages, appointments, offers, relevant, standard, contact, ticket, information, resubmission, stage, generate, order, document, letters, based

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 13:55
20-04-2010, 13:55


Category: CAD/CAM CNC


LVD's CADMAN® programming software offers offline integration of the key sheet metalworking processes of Laser, Punching and Bending. The unique database-driven CADMAN® software suite enables 'First Part - Good Part' processing with optimized and dynamic 'Art to Part' cycle times.


Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 13:52
20-04-2010, 13:52

Movicon 9.1 613

Category: Other Software

Movicon 9.1 613

Integrated Building Management.
The ever-increasing demand for Building Automation and domotics prompted Progea to create a special poduct line for this sector.
The Movicon™ BA software is more capable of making your building supervision the most powerful, open and scalable than any other software around.

Movicon™ BA is Progea’s supervision solution for intelligent buildings. Progea is a major leading expert company in supervision and control software systems (Scada/HMI). Movicon™ BA offers all the great advantages of ‘Open’ software for integration and visualization of automation systems for modern buildings, whether residential, industrial, services or big communities. Movicon™BA provides all the advantages of modern software with very flexible solutions. Great experience matured through years of success, has allowed Progea to deliver solutions to all those who demand an integrated system using an all-in-one, powerful, open, visualization and control software.

One open solution
Movicon™ BA guarantees all the openness needed in integrating all building management systems into the one same supervision project. Just the one project guaranteed to save time and resources, while increasing supervision and control potentialities at the same time.

The Movicon™ BA platform technology is completely based on the XML standard. In one-only visualization you can finally connect control buses, lights, heating and air conditioning systems, security systems, video surveillance, energy saving systems and any other devices commonly used in the building management environment.

Deployment flexibility
Thanks to the Movicon™ BA flexibilitiness, you can integrate your systems into any type of architecture, such as Desktop PCs, Media Centers, Tablet PC (Win32 or Win64), Touch Panel (WinXPE or WinCE), Palm tops or SmartPhones (Windows Mobile), or access your system through the web using any internet Browser or java phone from wherever you may happen to be in the world. No limits to the visualization solutions you can use to get everything under your control.

Creating supervision projects with Movicon™ BA is simple and fun. A powerful object oriented editor allows you to create graphical interfaces with animated and interactive screen pages, using the full range of vector graphics, or you can even apply your own BMP, GIF and JPG drawings. All the tools you will ever need integrated and ready-to-use. Pre-configured graphics libraries, communication drivers, alarm management, historical logs and control, event scheduling, trends, charts are all within-a-click’s reach in an all-rolled-into one userfriendly software environment.

Integration is the keyword
Movicon™BA offers the advantage of hardware independency. This means you can use the same software in PCs, Touch Screens or Palmtops, connected buses, such as EIB/Konnex, LON, BACNet, to all the building control systems, with control panels, such as Notifier, Elkron and others, with bus systems with Modus RTU or TCP Modbus interfacing and many other system types. You can integrate CCTVs and IP Cameras and be completely free to decide and choose how you want your system by using just the one same software. Maximum deployment flexibility while safeguarding your investments at the same time all guaranteed.

Information sharing on the net.
Movicon™ BA offers the advantages of being able to freely circulate information thanks to its Networking functions in Ethernet networks and the OPC technology, allowing you to integrate your supervisor into your building’s LAN systems.

Enhanced Potentialities
All conventional supervisory system limits have been surpassed. Movicon™ BA consents all the powerful functionalities typical of SCADA/ HMI systems, but with remarkably enhanced visualization potentialities. You will be provided with a powerful object-oriented environment, with powerful managements for alarms, historical logs in DBMS (ie. SQL Server, Oracle, MsAccess), trends, scenarios, schedulers and control logic. All at your complete disposal and ready-to-use in one powerful but very simple-to-use programming environment.

Cost effective
Movicon™ BA permits you to use just the one development environment for all your supervision and control systems, saving you a great deal in learning, training personnel and maintenance costs. The Movicon™ BA licenses are scalable, flexible and upgradeable to Movicon™11, contributing even further development and maintenance cost reductions.
Your building management systems can finally be completely integrated into one supervision system and accessed with
palmtops or controlled externally through the Internet. All this can be done in next-to-no-time thanks to Movicon™ BA.

Movicon 9.1 613

Tags: systems, Movicon™, software, control, supervision, powerful, system, building, visualization, environment, using, management, completely, through, integrated, other, offers, Progea, integrate, solutions

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 13:38
20-04-2010, 13:38

DS-CAM Dental softworks

Category: Other Software

DS-CAM Dental softworks

DS-CAM Dental softworks

DS-CAM, the open 5-axis simultaneous CAM solution with unprecedented ease of use.
DS-CAM is a complete rewrite for optimum performance and functionality to enable dental technicians.

Please have you en V erständnis the Web content to registered users, we provide our full can.
We are a young company. Our goal is to develop a CAM software is used and operated by dental technicians can. The software is designed to support the dental operation at the automation of the production structure and increase the productivity of the laboratory.

The first step is to develop a low-cost CAM program. Then, the integration of various CNC milling machines are on the agenda. These are three-, four-and five axis milling machines.

DS-CAM Dental softworks

Tags: dental, software, milling, DSCAM, develop, machines, technicians, structure, increase, productivity, please, email, automation, production, murturanhotmailcom, laboratory, first, various, three, These

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 13:32
20-04-2010, 13:32

Wings Platinum 3

Category: Other Software

Wings Platinum 3

Wings Platinum 3 Software
The Tool for creative Multimedia-Productions
The Stumpfl production and presentation software Wings Platinum 3 enables the optimum realization of creative show productions. The intuitive user interface facilitates the integration of numerous media of various types in the modular software. Every single presentation or control content can be arranged, edited, controlled and presented with Wings Platinum 3. The flexible combination of image, sound, video, text, light, projection and show control enables the creation of productions in undreamt-of quality.

All the media are arranged and processed as objects in timeline tracks. High resolution images, videos in HD quality, and multi channel sounds can be united in impressive multi-vision shows. Wings Platinum 3 additionally enables permanent synchronization of all media and devices with superior style precision. The integrated multi-display technology facilitates the combination of several projectors or displays, which can then be synchronously fed with contents from networked source computers. Because of that, large area softedge projections in particular can be simply and professionally realized. Wings Platinum 3 manages the complete media distribution, calculates overlapping softedge areas and neutral wedge filters.

Wings Platinum 3

Tags: Platinum, Wings, media, enables, software, facilitates, softedge, quality, combination, productions, control, arranged, presentation, creative, projectors, several, technology, displays, networked, contents