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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 15:17
17-06-2013, 15:17


Category: Other Software



You have a wide range of demands and complex processes - therefore you have high-level requirements for a video security solution. The GeViScope Enterprise Surveillance System will meet your needs in every way. Reliability and speed, flexibility and integration. Lots of functions all in one platform: everything from image recording to a virtual matrix, analog and IP, standard and megapixel. Intelligent video analysis qualifies the image content and generates alarms in critical situations. This sophisticated modular system is ideal for high performance.

High availability: Redundant power supply unit, solid state disk for the operating system, optional RAID system for databases with up to several TByte capacity per server. All this adds up to the highest level of availability for your security.

DSP technology: Digital signal processors with specially developed firmware for image processing in real time and a high level of investment protection – now even more powerful, for better image quality. New functions are easily installed, system extensions can be implemented seamlessly at any time.

Hybrid was yesterday, the future is omnibrid: GeViScope offers seamless integration and migration from analog via hybrid to omnibrid and pure IP systems and meets the user’s needs regardless of the technology.

Transcoding: Select the ideal format of a camera stream for your specific requirements – independent from the source format - for ease of use, minimal storage and network load and utmost flexibility.

Homogeneous user interfaces ensure uniformity and transparency.

Guaranteed compatibility with all common compression formats such as (M-JPEG, H.264, MPEG4CCTV, H264CCTV, MPEG4CCTV/MP) and the ONVIF standard.

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 15:14
17-06-2013, 15:14

EngView System Prinect Package Desinger 4 - 2013

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

EngView System Prinect Package Desinger 4 - 2013

EngView System Prinect Package Desinger 4 - 2013

EngView System Prinect Package Desinger 4 - 2013

Library of Resizable Designs
A comprehensive library of 750+ resizable folding carton and corrugated packaging designs, including ECMA and FEFCO.
Drafting with Parametric Components
Provides full 2D CAD functionality for 1-up structural design – geometric objects, transformations, dimensioning and import/export.
Sheet Layout
Enables the creation of optimized sheet layouts with minimum waste.
Cost Estimator
Computes cost models in accordance with user-defined rules for calculation of cost and price. Different cost models can be developed for serving different customers or managing different types of projects.
Generates optimized NC code for samplemaking cutting & creasing plotters. All makes and models of plotters are supported.
Dieboard Design
Supports the design of the dieboard with bridges, stripping and balancing rules.
Counterplate Design
Enables the design and production of pertinax counterplates.
Stripping Dies Design
Enables the design of male and female wood-block, push-pin and Strip-Clip stripping dies.
Rule Processing
Generates a technological map of all cutting, creasing and other rules on the dieboard.

Recommended Additional Modules

3D Presenter
A 3D viewing and folding system for structural & graphics design verification, definition of animated folding sequence and generation of Internet-compatible models for customer review.
EngView Synergy
Enables the creation and editing of simple and composite parametric components and the assembly and editing of resizable designs by drag & drop of parametric components.
Varnish Blanket Design
Supports the design of rubber varnish blankets for plotter cutout.
Project Organizer
Simple and easy-to-use PDM system that manages and tracks the creation, change and archival of all information, files and documents related to your customers and their projects.

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  • Views: 2959
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 15:12
17-06-2013, 15:12

CX - Supervisor Omron

Category: Other Software

CX - Supervisor Omron

Powerful Machine Visualisation

CX-Supervisor is dedicated to the design and operation of PC visualisation and machine control. It is not only simple to use for small supervisory and control tasks, but it also offers a wealth of power for the design of the most sophisticated applications.

CX-Supervisor boasts powerful functions for a wide range of PC based HMI requirements. Simple applications can be created rapidly with the aid of a large number of predefined functions and libraries, and even very complex applications can be generated with a powerful programming language or VBScript™. CX-Supervisor has an extremely simple, intuitive handling and high user friendliness. Importing ActiveX® components makes it possible to create flexible applications and extend functionality.

[quote] CX - Supervisor Omron
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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 15:11
17-06-2013, 15:11

AviSoft SASLab Pro

Category: Other Software

AviSoft SASLab Pro

AviSoft SASLab Pro

Avisoft-SASLab Pro is a powerful Windows application (compatible to Windows XP/Vista/7/8) for investigating animal acoustic communication. It provides a broad range of processing and analysis tools that can greatly increase the efficiency in extensive sound analysis projects.

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:37
17-06-2013, 14:37

Vienna Test System (VTS)

Category: Other Software

Vienna Test System (VTS)

Vienna Test System (VTS)

Vienna Test System (VTS)

Vienna Test System (VTS)

Vienna Test System (VTS)

The right test for every occasion

Users can choose from the comprehensive range of 120 tests and 15 test sets (= predefined test batteries), selecting those that are most appropriate to the query that has been raised. Each individual test is highly functional. In addition, the psychological tests can be combined into test batteries, enabling all aspects of a multi-faceted query (e.g. suitability for a particular job, nature of a person’s disease or disability, fitness to drive) to be measured together in a single test session.
Powerful test system

Users also have access to many other features of the powerful test system: management of testees and their test results in a database, standardized test administration in many different languages, automatic and instant computation of test results, easily understood summary of results in table and diagram form, export of test results and report templates for reports and experts opinions – and much more besides. Many well-known companies and organizations in all sectors therefore choose to use the Vienna Test System and enjoy the benefits of faster processes and a modern assessment system that ensures the highest levels of objectivity and fairness.
The four specialist versions of the Vienna Test System

The four versions of the Vienna Test System
The four versions of the Vienna Test System

The versions published in 2012 for human resources, traffic psychology, clinical/neuropsychology and sport psychology mean that there are now sector-specific test systems. Each of these versions includes a dimensions list and test directory specifically tailored to the particular field of use. Purchase of the Vienna Test System includes ten free test administrations of each of the most popular tests for the particular sector, plus five test administrations of the test sets. By buying a test system users therefore have at their fingertips a complete inventory of tests for their area of use.
Special ability tests and highly precise tests that can measure time in milliseconds

The special ability tests – in particular those that are precise to within milliseconds – have a deservedly good reputation. With many factors and skills such as attention, cognitive flexibility and ability to react it is not the number of correct answers but the speed of processing that is the crucial criterion. Differences of even a few milliseconds can cause a significant shift of the normed test scores. The Vienna Test System measures working times precisely, enabling the results to be interpreted with clarity, for example for the assessment of fitness to drive in traffic psychology, the assessment of attention deficits in neuropsychology or the minimizing of accident risk in jobs in which safety is an important consideration.
Pioneering role in accessories

Peripheral perception
Peripheral perception

The Vienna Test System has also acquired an international reputation for its psychological tests that make use of special hardware. Thanks to specially developed peripheral devices, sensorimotor skills (eye-hand-(foot) coordination, fine motor skills), peripheral perception and the activation of the central nervous system can all be measured. Among the particularly precise tests that use a peripheral device, the DT Determination Test leads the way.

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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:30
17-06-2013, 14:30

TechNet Easy Shell Software

Category: Other Software

TechNet Easy Shell Software

TechNet Easy Shell Software

Due to the engineering system Easy you'll find the optimal software solution for planning, design and calculation of lightweight surface structures.

Easy is the market leader in the domain of lightweight surface structures planning and design.

The sketch of free shapes, the static analysis and cutting pattern calculation for textile membranes and ETFE foils are supported in the Easy system.

The simultaneous calculation of membrane or ETFE foil with stiff primary structure elements generally made-of steel ensure an economic and efficient material usage.

The calculation of pneumatic structures like airhalls or foil cushions can be done with Easy very user-friendly: The possible allowance of different types of physical laws affords the accurate evaluation of the required material usage, which hence becomes optimal.

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  • Views: 3292
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:27
17-06-2013, 14:27

Nemo Outdoor - Invex 7.0.9

Category: Telecom Software

Nemo Outdoor - Invex 7.0.9

Full Modul With dongle
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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:25
17-06-2013, 14:25

MOST Visual Coloring 7.12

Category: Textile

MOST Visual Coloring 7.12

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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:24
17-06-2013, 14:24

TecniSoft ModeST V 7.6

Category: Other Software

TecniSoft ModeST V 7.6

Liberi di controllare il modello FEM

Il modello è completamente tridimensionale senza la suddivisone in “piani” o “telai”, senza la creazione nascosta di nodi ed elementi aggiuntivi, ma con la gestione di nodi, aste, elementi shell, mesh, vincoli interni ed esterni completamente trasparente e modificabile.

Liberi di usare solutori affidabili e testati

I solutori non possono essere improvvisati. ModeSt si collega solo con solutori come ad esempio XFINEST e SAP2000 che con anni di esperienza, migliaia di installazioni e di controlli accurati possono garantire la correttezza dei risultati e la mancanza di instabilità numeriche.

Liberi di modellare la realtà

La modellazione è sempre un compromesso fra la precisione numerica e la corretta creazione dei disegni esecutivi. La possibilità di controllare e modificare fili fissi, scostamenti dai fili fissi e disassamenti, gli offset rigidi e le zone rigide configurabili ed interrogabili consentono di operare con la consapevolezza della qualità del risultato e nello stesso tempo di ottenere disegni sempre accurati, completi di quote, dettagli costruttivi, computi e distinte delle barre. Le personalizzazioni derivanti da anni di richieste dei clienti danno la certezza di ottenere disegni sicuramente pronti per il cantiere.

Liberi di fare qualsiasi struttura

ModeSt consente di modellare anche serbatoi, cupole, strutture reticolari, pile da ponte, ecc. Le strutture sono infatti generiche, con nodi con qualsiasi vincolo esterno, aste con svincolamenti d’estremità e offset, aste su suolo elastico, elementi bidimensionali membranali, flessionali e su suolo elastico, con materiali di qualunque tipo. Le fondazioni, anche a quote diverse, possono essere costituite da graticci di travi, platee di fondazione, plinti diretti o su pali di tipo rettangolare, a gradoni, a tronco di piramide, a bicchiere. In ogni caso è possibile gestire il programma come un modellatore FEM puro, per analisi di problemi di qualunque tipo, sfruttando la possibilità di intervenire direttamente sui dati e le opzioni del solutore.

Liberi dalle preoccupazioni per il futuro

ModeSt è sempre aggiornato per rispondere ai cambiamenti di normativa o alla necessità di nuovi metodi di calcolo. Negli anni sono stati implementati il D.M. 92, il D.M. 96, l’ordinanza 3274 e 3431, il D.M. 08, le analisi dinamiche, non lineari, di buckling, di pushover. Anche le diverse richieste dei professionisti sono state sempre risolte con aggiornamenti continui, miglioramenti e messe a punto che oggi ne fanno un software adatto a tutte le esigenze.

Liberi di operare in breve tempo

I numerosi tutorial ed esempi su argomenti specifici e l’assistente che per ogni comando in esecuzione spiega in dettaglio ed in tempo reale il significato dei parametri da inserire consentono di essere operativi in brevissimo tempo. La possibilità di annullare e ripetere un numero infinito di operazioni (funzioni di UNDO e REDO) anche nel caso di operazioni invalidanti i risultati del calcolo permette di operare senza il timore di fare errori, con la certezza di poter sempre ripristinare la struttura modificata erroneamente. La guida in linea sensibile al contesto e completamente ipertestuale con rimandi a note tecniche ed esempi permette l’approfondimento di qualunque comando o procedura.

Liberi di collegarsi con altri programmi

La possibilità di creare macro in VBScript consente di creare procedure esterne per esportazioni o importazioni di dati, per lo sviluppo di interfacce personalizzate, per la realizzazione di collegamenti a database, ecc. L’importazione di architettonici come lucidi di modellazione anche tridimensionali da DXF e DWG, l’importazione diretta da CAD di nodi ed aste o di sezioni, le interfacce con Revit e con Auto_C.A. consentono il colloquio con i programmi di disegno e progettazione di ultima generazione. La relazione di calcolo si collega automaticamente con Word e con OpenOffice.
Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-06-2013, 14:21
17-06-2013, 14:21

Micro Map - GIS and Photogrammetric Software V2.0

Category: Other Software

Micro Map - GIS and Photogrammetric Software V2.0