SANGIACOMO has been for the last 50 years a leader manufacturer in producing men and children socks knitting machines. In 1984 enters the seamless market, confirming its commitment in researching and developing new technologies on the basis of an increasing customer care. In June 2004 SANGIACOMO joined the Lonati Group and started important synergies concerning technologies and machine improvement.
Following to the merging of the company Sangiacomo S.p.A. into Santoni S.p.A., starting from July 1st 2007 Santoni S.p.A.has assumed the legal ownership.
For any correspondence please be informed that all the e-mail addresses phone e fax numbers remain unchanged ( Sangiacomo Division -via Bormioli 60/62 - 25135 Brescia, Italy - Tel +39 030 369400 Fax +39 030 3694210).
SANGIACOMO is proud of its wide range of machines: single cylinder for men and kid's socks with the option of installing the last toe closing device, the CLASSIC LINKING; seamless knitting machines for the production of underwear, nightwear, outwear, swimwear and sportwear.