Conversion of DXF file to 256 colours BMP file, via input of colour for each DXF layer and input of bitmap resolution
256 colours BMP file contains geometric description required by BISCO
Colours in BMP file are indices to materials and boundary conditions
Thermal properties
Linked to bitmap via colours
Materials: thermal conductivity, surface emissivity.
Automatic calculation of equivalent thermal conductivity for air cavities.
Optimisation of air cavities by detecting grooves and interconnections
Surface boundary conditions: ambient temperature, heat transfer coefficient, heat flux.
Improved simulation of radiation and convection by use of RADCON module.
Detection of surfaces with increased surface resistance (in edges or junctions between two surfaces)
Line boundary conditions (fixed temperature or flux) in borderlines between two colours
Colours with predefined thermal properties when starting from template file
Load thermal properties from material database
Triangular mesh generation based on mesh size per colour
Calculation of linear thermal transmittance, and thermal transmittance of a window frame
Isotherms, heat flux magnitudes, heat flow lines
Minimum and maximum temperature, incoming and leaving heat flows per colour
Balanced air temperature for enclosed air cavities
Thermal transmittances and thermal bridge performances
Automatic report generation
Thermal bridge analysis: heat loss calculation, surface condensation (ISO/FDIS 10211, ISO 13788)
Thermal transmittances of building components and elements (EN ISO 6946)
Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters (EN ISO 10077-2)
Heat transfer via the ground (ISO 13370)
Dynamic version: BISTRA
TRISCO can read BISCO data (creates extruded profile, based on bitmap)
SOLIDO can read BISCO data (creates STL files per colour for extruded profile, based on triangulation mesh)