OMEGA 3.0 includes dozens of enhancements and new features, PLUS offers more intuitive, easier usage. OMEGA 3.0 is easy and powerful because most design functions in Composer are now part of a new set of features called ReAction. Also, many other existing functions have been enhanced to be easier and more intuitive to use. And with months of field testing and user feedback, OMEGA 3.0 is very stable and easier to install. Some of the biggest features of OMEGA 3.0 are shown and listed on the next page. The rest of this document includes more details about What’s New in Gerber OMEGA 3.0.
OMEGA 3.0 menus and dialog boxes are available in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch.
In the PDF version of this document, click on an underlined link to jump to more information. Also, the PDF version of this document is in color.