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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:16
23-01-2011, 16:16

Assyst Bullmer 2010

Category: Garment CAD

Assyst Bullmer 2010

Assyst Bullmer 2010

Design assyst

Eliminate sample production with this comprehensive and user friendly graphics software package, developed for the clothing industry. Produce storyboards and colour ways, using R.G.B and /or Pantone© colours.

Create and modify fabric designs and visualise the results using the latest draping techniques. Include fabric effects and fills to show accurate and informative specification drawings and illustrations.

Available as a plug-in to Photoshop™

The knitting and weaving modules enable knits and plaids to be created and realistically displayed -
trouser patternCad.assyst

Cad.assyst is an easy to use programme enabling the user to create or modify patterns quickly and accurately.

Patterns can be entered onto the system by digitisation of existing styles or receive them by importation from other software or draft directly on the screen.

Construction and measurements can be checked accurately and modified where required.

Seams added change automatically with pattern amendments and added to split pieces.

The grading functions can be used to create a size range of your choice.

Create ratings or markers to get maximum utilisation of your material.

Nesting can be directly on screen, by automatic placement or

Smart pattern automates regularly performed tasks to standardize and de-skill operations such as facing and lining creation etc.

download document in PDF format (3230 kb)

Takes your Cad patterns, assembles them and tries them on a virtual body.

See how your garment fits in real time, make pattern adjustments and see the effect immediately, see where the material is under tension as the body moves, sits down, turns etc.

As well as dramatically reducing pattern development time, vidya can also be used to create and view made to measure garments.

download document in PDF format (3810 kb)
fit sleeve to armhole with easeMtm.assyst

The made to measure programme enables a reduced timescale from customer order to delivery via an easy, user friendly interface, entering client measurements to produce accurate patterns tailored to the individual’s requirements.

The skills of the tailor/ pattern maker are harnessed in the assyst software to enable a consistent standard of amended patterns.

Customer measurements for made to measure production are easily achieved using data from body scanners.

download document in PDF format (3230 kb)
Dataconv.assyst. conv.cad and Dataviewer

Globalisation of production requires that patterns are sent to other locations.

To save time and money sending hard copy patterns or markers

Dataconv.assyst enables effective communication data with your manufacturers either directly or via the internet using
DXF (Autocad™ etc) drawings can be converted using data viewer

DXF (Autocad™ etc) drawings and data in Gerber™, Lectra™, Investronica™, Microdynamics™ can be converted using data viewer

Organise and centralise the product development data to enable all departments to update and view progress in real time.

Eliminate mundane paperwork and clearly illustrate the product lifecycle from concept to the start of manufacture using comprehensive specifications, bill of materials, measurement charts and reports etc.

Assyst Bullmer 2010

Tags: using, patterns, pattern, software, enable, measurements, directly, measure, document, format, download, production, drawings, create, converted, viewer, Dataconvassyst, Autocad™, programme, where

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-09-2010, 09:49
20-09-2010, 09:49

Ottimo Perfect Cut 6.30 - 7.33 - 7,70

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

Ottimo Perfect Cut  6.30 - 7.33 - 7,70

Ottimo-Perfect Cut is a cutting optimization software for single blade and angular beam saws with several features such as: materials archive management, pieces archive management, single-job and multi-job (cutting list with pieces of several materials) optimization, expected machining time and costs computation, machine code generation, production reports, panels labeling, 3D simulation.
Ottimo-Perfect Cut is installed in a PC with Windows® O.S. in the factory or in the office, can be connected with an Ethernet network with the administration software and with the Panel saw software interface.
Ottimo-Perfect Cut allows to obtain an optimized sequence of cutting pattern starting from a cutting list, a material list and a machine configuration. By modify the configuration parameters you can obtain the solution as needed, with minimum waste or minimum machining time. Complete production reports are available. Optimized programs can be exported easily to the panel saw. Moreover the optimizer shows report with estimated times and costs and output customized labels for obtained pieces and off-cuts.
* Materials Database (up to 3.000 different sheets)
* Sheets classification for material type
* Grain and trims information for each type of material
* Automatic used sheets unloading and off-cuts recycle
* Pieces Database (up to 10.000 different pieces)
* Simple job programming to optimize cutting lists with panels of the same material.
* Standard parameters can be customized for each job in order to obtain the best result.
* Several sheets and off-cuts formats can be selected to cut pieces
* Production data, waste and machining time are showed to check immediately for result
* Automatic filling of cutting patterns with by using a filling list.
* Report with optimization general statistics (linear meters, surfaces area, volumes, waste, etc...)
* Materials, panels and strips report
* Graphical lay-outs of cutting patterns with pieces and waste dimensioning
* All reports can be saved as PDF files
* The manual editor allows to insert, delete, move and rotate pieces; to insert, delete and move head-cuts
* Details are showed for each selected panel or waste in the pattern.
* The pieces can be inserted from the job list, from the piece archive or as a new piece
* Statistics of the modified pattern are automatically updated
* The multi-job programming allows to optimize cutting lists (up to 10.000 lines of pieces) with panels of several materials.
* The original cutting list is exploded in several simple list with pieces of the same material
* Summary report of the complete job

* Job import from a formatted text file or from Excel ® (EasyCut or EasyCut Plus required)
* Export of machine programs saved onto floppy disks, local or Ethernet paths
* Export of a list of program with several type of materials (LLT format)
* Export (splitting) of a single job up to three different panel saws
* Estimated machine time and costs
* Labels can be printed every single piece or by book or by stack of pieces.
* Labels can be printed off-line in the windows printer or on-line in the label printer at the saw by automatic sending label data for the pieces
* Labels can be printed for both pieces and off-cuts of the job
* Graphical Label editor with text, barcode, lines, drawings, to customize the label templates
* Virtual machining 3D simulation of the job
* View of expected machining time
* View of the active cutting pattern with information on the machining cycles
* Configuration of dimensional parameters for the pieces unloading process
* Stacks report for each piece
* Chronological report of stacks composition with graphical lay-out
* Report of used pallets with graphical lay-out

Ottimo Perfect Cut  6.30 - 7.33 - 7,70

Tags: Ottimo Perfect Cut, 630, 733, 770, Smarkey, Eutron, Dongle, Download, CNC, pieces, cutting, machining, report, several, waste, material, offcuts, machine, piece, pattern, panels, materials, panel, obtain, label, software, printed, OttimoPerfect, Export

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 26-04-2010, 16:52
26-04-2010, 16:52

Delcam PowerMill 10 SP6

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

Delcam PowerMill 10 SP6

PowerMILL is the world's leading specialist NC CAM software for the manufacture of the complex shapes typically found in the aerospace, automotive, medical device and toolmaking industries. Key features include a wide range of strategies, including the latest high-efficiency roughing, high-speed finishing, and 5-axis machining techniques, exceptionally fast calculation times and powerful editing tools to ensure optimum performance on the machine tool.

Delcam PowerMill 10 SP6

Tags: 5axis, machining, techniques, exceptionally, finishing, highspeed, latest, highefficiency, roughing, calculation, times, performance, machine, DOWNLOAD, optimum, ensure, powerful, editing, tools, including

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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 26-04-2010, 16:32
26-04-2010, 16:32

Multimax security management

Category: Other Software

Multimax security management

The Security Management software provides standard features like alarm management, controlling access, database management, badge designing, visitor management, system security, antipassback management, biometric recognition and hardware integration. Additional features are provided in the form of management modules, which are available separately.

Multimax security management

Tags: management, features, hardware, integration, recognition, antipassback, biometric, Additional, security, available, separately, which, modules, DOWNLOAD, provided, visitor, standard, alarm, provides, software

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:56
20-04-2010, 14:56

Radan 07 Lasser For Mazak machine

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

Radan 07 Lasser For  Mazak machine

Radan is the total CAD, CAM solution for the sheet metal industry. We understand that metal is precious in your business and with our software, your company can significantly reduce inventory and increase material utilisation, allowing you to realise true return on your investment.

Our strength is in providing world class innovative solutions that give you the software applications that are essential to design (2D & 3D), manufacture (Punching, Profiling, Nesting and Bending) and control production (cost estimation, process management) of sheet metal components and products.

In addition to our software we offer first class support providing you with complete peace of mind.

Radan 07 Lasser For  Mazak machine

Tags: metal, software, providing, class, sheet, Nesting, Bending, production, Profiling, control, Punching, essential, design, manufacture, estimation, process, support, complete, peace, DOWNLOAD

Article info
  • Views: 5283
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 9-04-2010, 13:22
9-04-2010, 13:22


Category: Textile


Logica Automatik Process ( Universal)
Logica WinmeCad (Mec-Mor)
Logica Styler 5 (Da kong)
Logica Colosio (Regina Jolly, Magica,Rise )
Logica MKS Knitting System (Monarch )
Logica Emmy (Emmy )
Logica Simula (Shima )
Logica Simula (Omega )


Tags: Logica, Simula, Knitting, DOWNLOAD, System, Monarch, Shima, MagicaRise, Omega, Regina, Universal, Process, Automatik, WinmeCad, MecMor, Colosio, Styler, Jolly