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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 21:18
23-01-2011, 21:18

polyworks 11 x86 x64

Category: Other Software

polyworks 11  x86 x64

polyworks 11  x86 x64

polyworks 11  x86 x64

polyworks 11  x86 x64

polyworks 11  x86 x64

polyworks 11  x86 x64

PolyWorks/Inspector™ is a powerful software solution that uses high-density point clouds and contact-probe datasets to control the quality of parts and tools at every phase of your manufacturing process.

Inspector allows users to:

• Use high-density point clouds and contact-probe datasets of digitized prototype parts & assemblies to quickly identify deformations and to fix problems in the earlier stage of the manufacturing process.

• Approve your manufacturing process by fully inspecting your first-assembled products.

• Monitor the production cycle by automatically measuring the wear of tools and quickly detecting any abrupt degradation in product quality.

• Verify the compliance of final manufactured and assembled products through sample check inspection using automated techniques.

PolyWorks/Modeler™ is a comprehensive software solution for creating accurate and smooth polygonal models and NURBS surfaces from high-density point clouds. Preferred by automotive design studios worldwide, PolyWorks/Modeler is the only software solution that has demonstrated the capability of creating class A polygonal models for stringent polygonal manufacturing applications such as 3-axis & 5-axis milling, aerodynamic simulation, and digital review. PolyWorks/Modeler also offers a powerful rapid surfacing methodology that delivers the most usable NURBS surfaces in CAD software such as CATIA and UG.

polyworks 11  x86 x64

Tags: manufacturing, software, clouds, polygonal, point, process, highdensity, solution, powerful, contactprobe, creating, models, quickly, surfaces, NURBS, datasets, products, parts, quality, tools

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  • Views: 3442
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:09
23-01-2011, 16:09

Actix Software 4.05

Category: Telecom Software

Actix Software 4.05

The ActixOne optimization platform provides a unified workspace for automating an unparalleled breadth of mobile network optimization activities. ActixOne is a multi-vendor, multi-technology platform that supports all key mobile network data sources, embeds automated diagnostics and solution-finding algorithms, and delivers visualization, analysis, and optimization software capabilities through a web-based interface.

Key features of the ActixOne optimization platform include:

Web-based interface: ActixOne uses smart client technology to provide a rich, interactive web-based interface that behaves like a desktop application. Dashboards with dynamic maps, charts, and tables provide powerful visualization capabilities.

Centralized data repository: The ActixOne repository is based on the scalable Oracle database platform, which allows mobile network optimization data to be brought together, synchronized, and archived in a single location.

Scalable to thousands of users and TBs of data: ActixOne’s 3-tier architecture can be scaled up and out to support both small regional deployments and large nationwide systems. ActixOne optimization platforms are deployed at Tier-1 operators where they support over 150,000 sectors, 40 Terabytes of data, and 400 users.

Modern service-oriented architecture: ActixOne is built upon proven industry technologies (J2EE application servers) and provides access to key capabilities and data over a standards-based web services layer.

The ActixOne platform is implemented with a multi-tier, service-oriented architecture.

Modular functionality: ActixOne has a modular architecture, enabling operators to expand their analytics capabilities as their mobile network grows or new data sources become available.
Tour ActixOne

Learn how our single powerful platform is changing the way mobile network analytics and optimization are done

Actix Software 4.05

Tags: ActixOne, optimization, platform, network, mobile, architecture, capabilities, interface, operators, visualization, users, repository, sources, powerful, their, provide, single, application, provides, serviceoriented

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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-04-2010, 12:32
27-04-2010, 12:32

DELCam DentMILL 2010 5070

Category: Other Software

DELCam DentMILL 2010 5070

DELCam DentMILL 2010 5070


DentMILL is a 3-, 4- and 5-axis dental CAM (computer-aided machining) program for the manufacture of simple and anatomical copings and bridge frameworks, including full crowns, abutments, dental bars, inlays / onlays and implant bridges.

DentMILL is a completely ‘open’ CAM system based on our world-leading machining program, PowerMILL. The most efficient, fast, accurate and time-saving strategies within PowerMILL are all found within DentMILL. This makes it the most highly automated and powerful dental CAM system on the market today. DentMILL uses industry-standard formats to enable easy model sharing and connectivity between other open CADCAM systems and CNC machines.

DELCam DentMILL 2010 5070

Tags: DentMILL, dental, system, within, program, PowerMILL, machining, market, today, industrystandard, powerful, automated, 5axis, found, makes, highly, formats, enable, CADCAM, systems

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 26-04-2010, 16:52
26-04-2010, 16:52

Delcam PowerMill 10 SP6

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

Delcam PowerMill 10 SP6

PowerMILL is the world's leading specialist NC CAM software for the manufacture of the complex shapes typically found in the aerospace, automotive, medical device and toolmaking industries. Key features include a wide range of strategies, including the latest high-efficiency roughing, high-speed finishing, and 5-axis machining techniques, exceptionally fast calculation times and powerful editing tools to ensure optimum performance on the machine tool.

Delcam PowerMill 10 SP6

Tags: 5axis, machining, techniques, exceptionally, finishing, highspeed, latest, highefficiency, roughing, calculation, times, performance, machine, DOWNLOAD, optimum, ensure, powerful, editing, tools, including

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 13:52
20-04-2010, 13:52

Movicon 9.1 613

Category: Other Software

Movicon 9.1 613

Integrated Building Management.
The ever-increasing demand for Building Automation and domotics prompted Progea to create a special poduct line for this sector.
The Movicon™ BA software is more capable of making your building supervision the most powerful, open and scalable than any other software around.

Movicon™ BA is Progea’s supervision solution for intelligent buildings. Progea is a major leading expert company in supervision and control software systems (Scada/HMI). Movicon™ BA offers all the great advantages of ‘Open’ software for integration and visualization of automation systems for modern buildings, whether residential, industrial, services or big communities. Movicon™BA provides all the advantages of modern software with very flexible solutions. Great experience matured through years of success, has allowed Progea to deliver solutions to all those who demand an integrated system using an all-in-one, powerful, open, visualization and control software.

One open solution
Movicon™ BA guarantees all the openness needed in integrating all building management systems into the one same supervision project. Just the one project guaranteed to save time and resources, while increasing supervision and control potentialities at the same time.

The Movicon™ BA platform technology is completely based on the XML standard. In one-only visualization you can finally connect control buses, lights, heating and air conditioning systems, security systems, video surveillance, energy saving systems and any other devices commonly used in the building management environment.

Deployment flexibility
Thanks to the Movicon™ BA flexibilitiness, you can integrate your systems into any type of architecture, such as Desktop PCs, Media Centers, Tablet PC (Win32 or Win64), Touch Panel (WinXPE or WinCE), Palm tops or SmartPhones (Windows Mobile), or access your system through the web using any internet Browser or java phone from wherever you may happen to be in the world. No limits to the visualization solutions you can use to get everything under your control.

Creating supervision projects with Movicon™ BA is simple and fun. A powerful object oriented editor allows you to create graphical interfaces with animated and interactive screen pages, using the full range of vector graphics, or you can even apply your own BMP, GIF and JPG drawings. All the tools you will ever need integrated and ready-to-use. Pre-configured graphics libraries, communication drivers, alarm management, historical logs and control, event scheduling, trends, charts are all within-a-click’s reach in an all-rolled-into one userfriendly software environment.

Integration is the keyword
Movicon™BA offers the advantage of hardware independency. This means you can use the same software in PCs, Touch Screens or Palmtops, connected buses, such as EIB/Konnex, LON, BACNet, to all the building control systems, with control panels, such as Notifier, Elkron and others, with bus systems with Modus RTU or TCP Modbus interfacing and many other system types. You can integrate CCTVs and IP Cameras and be completely free to decide and choose how you want your system by using just the one same software. Maximum deployment flexibility while safeguarding your investments at the same time all guaranteed.

Information sharing on the net.
Movicon™ BA offers the advantages of being able to freely circulate information thanks to its Networking functions in Ethernet networks and the OPC technology, allowing you to integrate your supervisor into your building’s LAN systems.

Enhanced Potentialities
All conventional supervisory system limits have been surpassed. Movicon™ BA consents all the powerful functionalities typical of SCADA/ HMI systems, but with remarkably enhanced visualization potentialities. You will be provided with a powerful object-oriented environment, with powerful managements for alarms, historical logs in DBMS (ie. SQL Server, Oracle, MsAccess), trends, scenarios, schedulers and control logic. All at your complete disposal and ready-to-use in one powerful but very simple-to-use programming environment.

Cost effective
Movicon™ BA permits you to use just the one development environment for all your supervision and control systems, saving you a great deal in learning, training personnel and maintenance costs. The Movicon™ BA licenses are scalable, flexible and upgradeable to Movicon™11, contributing even further development and maintenance cost reductions.
Your building management systems can finally be completely integrated into one supervision system and accessed with
palmtops or controlled externally through the Internet. All this can be done in next-to-no-time thanks to Movicon™ BA.

Movicon 9.1 613

Tags: systems, Movicon™, software, control, supervision, powerful, system, building, visualization, environment, using, management, completely, through, integrated, other, offers, Progea, integrate, solutions