ENGLISH : For more than ten years, Modaris has been the standard for the biggest names in fashion. Designed to respond to the full range of issues faced by apparel companies around the globe and to satisfy their requirements in terms of delivery times and garment quality and fit, Modaris is the software most used by pattern makers, with more than 22,000 licenses worldwide.
At the crossroads of design and production, Modaris can be used to develop patterns for all types of garments� women�s wear, men�s wear, children�s wears, lingerie, swimwear, uniforms. Firmly geared to the sector and its processes, Modaris offers a complete range of functions including on-screen management of models, digitization, construction verification, grading, size management, and pre-production preparation. Its impressive capacity for exchanging information with CAD systems currently on the market makes Modaris an indispensible application for companies working on a networked system, especially those with multi-sites and with partners and sub-contractors in several countries. Modaris can be adapted to any business model and any type of product.
TURKHIS : Kalip hazirlama ��z�mlerinde sekt�r standardi
Modaris, on y�l� a�k�n s�redir moda alan�nda en �nemli isimler i�in sekt�r standard� olarak kabul edilmektedir. D�nyan�n her k��esindeki haz�r giyim �irketlerinin kar��la�t��� t�m sorunlar� halledecek ve termin s�releri, giysi kalitesi ve fit konular�nda bu �irketlerin gereksinimlerini kar��layacak �ekilde tasarlanm�� olan Modaris, d�nya �ap�nda 22.000'in �zerinde lisans ile modelistlerin en �ok kulland��� yaz�l�md�r.
Tasar�m ve �retimin kesi�im noktas�nda bulunun Modaris, her t�r giysi (erkek giyim, kad�n giyim, �ocuk giyim, i� �ama��r�, korse ve i� giysileri) i�in kal�p haz�rlamada kullan�labilir. Bu alana ve ilgili s�re�lere yak�ndan odaklanan Modaris, �zellikle modellerin ekran �zerinden y�netimi, dijit, diki� onay�, serileme, beden y�netimi ve �n-�retim i�levleri dahil, eksiksiz bir dizi destek sunmaktad�r. Sekt�rdeki di�er modelhane ��z�mleri ile bilgi al��veri�inde etkileyici kapasitesi sayesinde Modaris, bir a� sistemi �zerinden (birden �ok �retim noktas�, farkl� �lkelere yay�lm�� olan i�ortaklar�, fason �reticiler vb.) �al��an �irketler i�in vazge�ilmez bir uygulama haline gelmi�tir.
Modaris, her profil ve her t�r �r�n tipolojisine tamamen uyarlanabilir bir �r�nd�r.