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31-03-2010, 14:54

Lectra Modaris V5R2

Category: Garment CAD

Lectra Modaris V5R2

ENGLISH : For more than ten years, Modaris has been the standard for the biggest names in fashion. Designed to respond to the full range of issues faced by apparel companies around the globe and to satisfy their requirements in terms of delivery times and garment quality and fit, Modaris is the software most used by pattern makers, with more than 22,000 licenses worldwide.
At the crossroads of design and production, Modaris can be used to develop patterns for all types of garments� women�s wear, men�s wear, children�s wears, lingerie, swimwear, uniforms. Firmly geared to the sector and its processes, Modaris offers a complete range of functions including on-screen management of models, digitization, construction verification, grading, size management, and pre-production preparation. Its impressive capacity for exchanging information with CAD systems currently on the market makes Modaris an indispensible application for companies working on a networked system, especially those with multi-sites and with partners and sub-contractors in several countries. Modaris can be adapted to any business model and any type of product.

TURKHIS : Kalip hazirlama ��z�mlerinde sekt�r standardi
Modaris, on y�l� a�k�n s�redir moda alan�nda en �nemli isimler i�in sekt�r standard� olarak kabul edilmektedir. D�nyan�n her k��esindeki haz�r giyim �irketlerinin kar��la�t��� t�m sorunlar� halledecek ve termin s�releri, giysi kalitesi ve fit konular�nda bu �irketlerin gereksinimlerini kar��layacak �ekilde tasarlanm�� olan Modaris, d�nya �ap�nda 22.000'in �zerinde lisans ile modelistlerin en �ok kulland��� yaz�l�md�r.
Tasar�m ve �retimin kesi�im noktas�nda bulunun Modaris, her t�r giysi (erkek giyim, kad�n giyim, �ocuk giyim, i� �ama��r�, korse ve i� giysileri) i�in kal�p haz�rlamada kullan�labilir. Bu alana ve ilgili s�re�lere yak�ndan odaklanan Modaris, �zellikle modellerin ekran �zerinden y�netimi, dijit, diki� onay�, serileme, beden y�netimi ve �n-�retim i�levleri dahil, eksiksiz bir dizi destek sunmaktad�r. Sekt�rdeki di�er modelhane ��z�mleri ile bilgi al��veri�inde etkileyici kapasitesi sayesinde Modaris, bir a� sistemi �zerinden (birden �ok �retim noktas�, farkl� �lkelere yay�lm�� olan i�ortaklar�, fason �reticiler vb.) �al��an �irketler i�in vazge�ilmez bir uygulama haline gelmi�tir.
Modaris, her profil ve her t�r �r�n tipolojisine tamamen uyarlanabilir bir �r�nd�r.

Tags: Lectra Modaris

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1-04-2010, 15:00

Assyst Bullmer v7.2

Category: Garment CAD

Assyst Bullmer v7.2

Create and modify fabric designs and visualise the results using the latest draping techniques. Include fabric effects and fills to show accurate and informative specification drawings and illustrations.
Available as a plug-in to Photoshop�
The knitting and weaving modules enable knits and plaids to be created and realistically displayed -
See some of the capabilities on the linked movie
Cad.assyst is an easy to use programme enabling the user to create or modify patterns quickly and accurately.
Patterns can be entered onto the system by digitisation of existing styles or receive them by importation from other software or draft directly on the screen.
Construction and measurements can be checked accurately and modified where required.
Seams added change automatically with pattern amendments and added to split pieces.
The grading functions can be used to create a size range of your choice.
Create ratings or markers to get maximum utilisation of your material.
Nesting can be directly on screen, by automatic placement or
Smart pattern automates regularly performed tasks to standardize and de-skill operations such as facing and lining creation etc.

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1-04-2010, 16:34

V-Stitcher V4.5 Enterprise

Category: Garment CAD

V-Stitcher V4.5    Enterprise

Product Synopsis:
The 3D pioneers of the garment industry, creators of V-Stitcher�, the most advanced 3D fashion design and communication tool
Product Description:
The most advanced fashion design and communication software, integrates conventional design techniques, empowering them with real-time, true-to-life 3D technology.
V-Stitcher�, the most advanced fashion design and communication software, integrates conventional design techniques, empowering them with real-time, true-to-life 3D technology. The powerful software infrastructure utilizes the CAD-CAM industry standard, enabling users to create a virtual 3D garment and model it on a customized 3D human figure (avatar). V-Stitcher� is also a communication solution ensuring real-time 3D representation of the garment design at any remote location. As a design and communication integrated solution, V-Stitcher optimizes the entire product lifecycle from concept to shelf for cost-effectiveness, time efficiency and flexibility.

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1-04-2010, 16:43

Gemini CAD System X8 /08

Category: Garment CAD

Gemini CAD System X8  /08

Gemini CAD keeps the eyes open to the customer needs, we learn every day from the real production as we see it running in the companies where our systems are implemented, we learn from our competition, we learn from our mistakes and we are never satisfied by our level.

A very unique feature of our company is that the decision chain between the customer and the development department is made from only one person. It is incredible how fast we react to any pertinent demand from our partners

Customer support
Gemini CAD and our distributors are ready 24/7 to answer to any technical problem from the customers. The enthusiasm of our young team goes beyond the written rules that define how we provide support for the customer. We listen, we advice, we react, we solve problems in a way that you cannot distinguish the two parts: customer and service provider, we are a single team, engaged in a common effort.

Economical basis
Gemini CAD understands better than any of its competitors the economical values of the emerging economies, in the developing countries where most of the garments industry is located. Therefore, our price structure for each country is adapted to the local conditions, creating the basis for a profitable business for the customer, for the distributor and for our company and aiming for a healthy long-term growing.

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1-04-2010, 17:13

Lectra Diamino Fashion V5R3c1

Category: Garment CAD

Lectra Diamino Fashion V5R3c1

Diamino, companies can now take into account more and more constraints linked to the specific fabric technical characteristics or the pieces to be included in the marker. Among all these new concepts, the management of patterned fabrics is of great importance, especially in the furniture and fashion markets, and in particular for intimate apparel companies faced with the cutting and assembly of small pieces.
This version also improves the efficiency and productivity of markers for pieces which are complicated to manage, such as fusing, pieces which are not visible, but which give the finished garment a better shape, and are commonly used in the market of men�s suits and in top of the range women�s ready-to-wear.
This new version of Diamino also brings valuable improvements to the preparation and optimization of pieces for production, especially in dealing with grain lines. This feature enables manufacturers to improve fabric resistance by defining blade direction.
For the automotive industry and for the airbag industry in particular, scanning of One Piece Woven bags is yet another valuable function. By taking into account any weaving flaws, cutting quality is ensured and a faultless airbag can be guaranteed.

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1-04-2010, 17:51

Lectra Investronica V8R1

Category: Garment CAD

Lectra Investronica V8R1

INVESTRONICA SISTEMAS is a Spanish company created in 1980, specializing in the development of advanced CAD / CAM / CIM solutions and systems for the apparel, upholstery and related industries as aeronautics, automotive. The company currently has delegations and Distributors in more than 50 countries, while INVESTRONICA's systems are present at more than 5.000 client sites around the world and in the five countries. INVESTRONICA SISTEMAS has a client portfolio of world reknown at fashion, upholstery automotive and related industries.

The product range includes ...

INVESMARK FUTURA: is a CAD system which provides integrated design-through-production handling solution ( design, patterns, markings, etc ) for apparel and upholstery industries.

INVESMARK FUTURA shares the open system philosophy and runs ender windows 2000 environment

INVESCUT state of the art digital control cutting-systems may be applied in any sector where automated knife-cutting for materials is required. It has all the standard advantages of a system with such avant-garde technologies as reliability, repetition and precision

INVESMOVE comprises a circular motion overhead conveyor controlled by a computer assisted panel and is a powerful tool applied in achieving maximum flexibility during the production process.

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2-04-2010, 11:32

Lectra Modaris 3DFit V5R1

Category: Garment CAD

Lectra Modaris 3DFit V5R1

The prototyping challenge
Prototyping is a key factor in a collection's success and 3D technologies can increase the performance of this step.

More than half of a garment's cost depends on the decisions taken during the design phase. Prototyping is therefore a fundamental step in a collection's success.
Brand names must develop differentiating factors. Technology, and now 3D, represents a key factor for boosting the entire fashion sector. In fact, including prototyping and product presentation in three dimensions in the collection development and marketing cycle will enable apparel industry professionals to reduce development time and costs as well as facilitating cooperation and decision making among the key players involved in the process.
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2-04-2010, 11:39

OptiTex� Fashion Design Software v10.0.974.29 Full CD Runway & NEST++2

Category: Garment CAD

OptiTex� Fashion Design Software v10.0.974.29 Full CD Runway & NEST++2

OptiTex develops innovative, user-friendly 2D and 3D CAD solutions for all cut-fabric and fashion-related industries. OptiTex's solutions designed to facilitate collaboration among partners throughout the manufacturing process. OptiTex is also active in ecommerce, providing online sales tools to promote branding and customer loyalty.

OptiTex� Fashion Design Software v10.0.974.29 Full CD Runway & NEST++2

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2-04-2010, 11:46


Category: Garment CAD


PAD System Products
From its inception, PAD System has fulfilled the specific needs of all its clients - from young designers to major companies in the field of CAD/CAM software solutions.
Functioning with Windows and Macintosh, PAD System software is able to satisfy the technical requirements of model makers, designers and other patternmakers while meeting management priorities - that is, reducing costs and improving productivity.
With a complete design suite - pattern - placement - production - the software offered by PAD System represents a set of cutting-edge modules that are complete, coherent, and compatible with the competition. In addition, it may also be used with the majority of standard peripherals on the market, such as digitizing tables, plotters, automated knives and even scanners.
Present in 50 countries and every continent, PAD offers top-quality, quick and effective technical support, as well as a training program given by experts.
All of our software modules are suitable for a wide range of industries, including fashion, accessories, footwear, furniture, automotive, aerospace, marine or industrial fabrics.

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2-04-2010, 11:53

PolyNest 7.00.12

Category: Garment CAD

PolyNest 7.00.12

End-to-End Solutions for Sewn Products
High-end Function without the high-end fuss
Polygon Software focuses on delivering solutions to the sewn products industry that have high-end functionality, are easy to use and have a low cost implementation. Our customers demand sophisticated, enterprise applications and services with economical ownership.
Polygon delivers complete solutions for complex enterprise processes, with three product lines built and proven on the Microsoft platform:
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for apparel businesses. Web-enabled, PolyPM enables sewn-goods brands, distributors, and manufacturers to have all of their style and manufacturing information instantly available anywhere in the world.
Style Development
Global Sourcing
Fabric and Trim
Cut Planning
Shop Floor
The first "open" apparel CAD/CAM software and hardware system, with installations in over 30 countries worldwide. Now in its tenth major revision, PolyNest, provides unparalleled productivity and ease-of-use.
Pattern Design
Marker Making
Data Exchange
Automatic Marker Making

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