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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-11-2010, 19:53
27-11-2010, 19:53

Nextiva Video Management Software

Category: Other Software

Nextiva Video Management Software

Nextiva Video Management Software
An array of Verint video management applications, from video viewing and distribution to system health monitoring and investigation management
At A Glance
Powerful, fully-integrated video management software suite for more efficient operation and lower cost of ownership
Automated system health monitoring and diagnostics to improve system uptime and streamline maintenance
Feature-rich video viewing and policy-based video distribution to improve situational awareness and emergency management
Virtual matrix (switching) software for efficiently routing video
Searchable database of case-related video, audio, and data to make investigations faster and more productive

Address Strategic Video Security Challenges
Nextiva video management software promotes a more proactive, effective approach to security and emergency management. These software applications helps organizations of virtually any size and scope address a wide array of strategic video security challenges ?
How to manage large, geographically-distributed video operations more efficiently and cost effectively and how to make the most of limited security and loss prevention staff
How to find the most important information in the huge volumes of video and data that organizations collect
How to detect threats more quickly and accurately, expedite communications when emergencies occur, and ensure that the appropriate people and agencies are notified
How to improve video security system uptime, streamline maintenance, and reduce costs of ownership and operation
A Robust Video Management Software Suite
Verint Nextiva features a wide array of powerful, fully integrated video management software applications. These applications streamline video management and help organizations make sense of vast volumes of video and data.

Video System Health Monitoring Nextiva HealthCheck provides automated, system-wide health monitoring and diagnostics, for superior system availability and lower operational costs.
Policy-Based Video Distribution Nextiva Event Manager is a sophisticated, rules-based event management engine for policy-based event notification, video distribution, and process activation.
Virtual Matrix Nextiva Virtual Matrix is a software-based switching solution that automatically distributes live and recorded video to video walls and computers across dispersed locations.
Versatile Video Viewing Nextiva Review lets users view live and recorded video and manage alarms from a networked PC, with additional activity detection and image enhancement functionality.
Investigation Management Nextiva Investigation Management lets users collect case-related video and data in a single, searchable database, making it easier to conduct investigations and share information among organizations, agencies, and departments.
Enterprise DVR Viewing and Management Nextiva Op-Center provides remote and centralized enterprise management of Nextiva Intelligent DVRs.

Nextiva Vid-Center provides a unified video viewing interface for banking, retail, and commercial organizations.

Full Nextiva Integration for Superior Performance and Lower Costs
Nextiva video management software applications are fully integrated with the Nextiva portfolio of networked IP video solutions. This integration eliminates many of the deployment and operational issues associated with standalone video management products. Designed to work seamlessly together, Nextiva video management software helps organizations make sense of the vast amount of video and data they collect, streamline video system management, reduce operating costs, and act more proactively and effectively.

Nextiva Video Management Software

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 26-11-2010, 15:22
26-11-2010, 15:22

LAFOT Studio 2.4 & 2.5

Category: Sing Rip Print

LAFOT Studio 2.4 & 2.5

Established in 1986, Lafot became famous as the only Polish manufacturer of photographic machines called minilabs. The entirely Polish company employs domestic specialists who are known for their wide expertise and long-standing experience. Jan Lalek, the founder and the owner, has always been fascinated by photography. A physicist by education, an inventor by avocation he combined his knowledge in many fields (electronics, chemistry, optics, colorimetry) to create innovative designs. His ardor and passion were two essential features which helped him build devices like color analyser or darkroom light meter in the difficult time of Communism. In the early 90's the market of such manual equipment as well as automatic enlargers started to diminish and the process of developing photos was now a domain of machines.

Following the worldwide tendency, Lafot launched into the production their own minilabs with no support from big companies, no license and without carrying out significant financial outlays. The first Polish minilab was announced to the market in 1994 and its production was a quantum leap in the company's history. Precise mechanics, advanced optics and controlling software were created from the scratch by Lafot. In the following years, the analog minilabs were transformed into the digital ones and what's the most important they were highly acclaimed. There are about 600 units working now across the globe.

In the year 2006, the global photographic industry collapsed, so as a result the company ceased the minilab production and focused their attention on developing a specific laboratory equipment, such as reference LED light sources, high precision spectrometers and other various measuring equipment used in the fields of optics, colorimetry and ESD measurements At the present time, Lafot is a company which designs, develops and introduces specialized devices for other European companies, or in cooperation with them.

LAFOT Studio 2.4 & 2.5

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 25-11-2010, 16:01
25-11-2010, 16:01


Category: CAD/CAM CNC



für Drahterodiermaschinen bietet einen komfortablen und leistungsstarken Programmierplatz auf allen Windows-Plattformen:

gute Bedienerführung über Ikonen und Funktionsbilder
starke technologische Unterstützung
leicht zu erlernen
Sprachen zur Laufzeit: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Tschechisch, (koreanisch)

Das mächtige Programmiersystem für die Drahterosion unter Windows

Ikonen und Bildinformationen führen den Benutzer in vier Arbeitsstufen von der Geometrie-Eingabe leicht verständlich zur Erstellung des NC-Satzes.

Sie können im CAD-Teil Geometrien selbst konstruieren oder über Schnittstellen wie DXF einlesen. Sie können Schneidkonturen automatisch oder in Einzelschritten erzeugen.
Im CONIC-Teil können Sie Regelflächen aus Fremdsystemen über die DXF-Schnittstelle einlesen oder aus 2D-Geometrien Regelflächen als Winkelkonik oder 4-Achsen-Konik mit unterer und oberer Kontur erzeugen. Winkelkonik kann in 4-Achsen-Konik konvertiert werden.
Im TECHNO-Teil liegt der Kern des Systems. Hier werden die Flächenkonturen zu Werk-Stücken, denen alle erforderlichen Technologie-Informationen hinzugeführt werden, die für die maschinelle Fertigung erforderlich sind. Mehrere Werkstücke können plaziert und eine Schnittfolge beliebig für die maschinelle Fertigung festgelegt werden.
NC-SIM bietet zum Test ISO-Code und Grafik parallel an.
Mit einer Cassettenrecorderbedienung blättern Sie in der Schnittfolge.
Die integrierte Technologiedatenbank, die zu Ihrer Maschine paßt, können Sie mit eigenen Technologiedaten ergänzen, die zur Laufzeit vom System angeboten und vollautomatiasch in den NC-Code eingesetzt werden.

Zudem gibt es viele Extras im Grundpreis inklusive:

aus NC-Files (nc, geo, iso, min) Rückgewinnung der Schneidgeometrie
freidefinierbare Postprozessoren etwa für kleine Fräsaufgaben
Postprozessor für NC-Code nach DIN 66025
erweiterte Winkel-Konik mit Radiusdefinitionen und 4-Achsen-Konik
ebene Konturverzerrung für schrägliegende Ebenen
Schrägstellen konischer Durchbrüche
Konvertieren von Winkelkonik in 4-Achsen-Konik
Hinterschnitte entfernen ° unterschiedliche Höhenlage der Werkstücke
Ausrundung nach minimalen Radien
individuelle und automatische Schnittfolgen wie early und late
Datenaustausch mit Fremdsystemen (DXF)
Zahnräder, Teilräder und Zahnstangen
Zahnräder nach DIN-Norm
Alle verfügbaren Maschinen eines Herstellers sind im Grundpreis enthalten


Tags: können, werden, 4AchsenKonik, Winkelkonik, einlesen, erzeugen, Zahnräder, Extras, inklusive, Regelflächen, Fremdsystemen, Fertigung, Werkstücke, Grundpreis, Laufzeit, NCCode, Schnittfolge, maschinelle, Ikonen, bietet, Hardlock

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 24-11-2010, 15:56
24-11-2010, 15:56

Aspan Autosoftware CAD/CAM 9.3

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

Aspan Autosoftware CAD/CAM 9.3

ASPAN is a CAD/CAM application recognized throughout the world as the easier and much user-friendly application in the area of programs for working wood, aluminium, plastics through numerical control machines. It can handle different types of machines and allow, starting from a sigle drawing, to generate part-programs for many machines.

ASPAN enjoys a world-wide reputation as the easiest-to-use software with a user-friendly interface for programming woodworking machinery. Furthermore, the program is very powerful with a hundred high-level commands, functions and options.
Originally created in DOS in 1992, the program has been continuously updated to keep pace with the new operating systems. Performance has been developed and improved with the continuous addition of new commands and functions.
We are proud to say that any of the problems experienced by our customers over the years have been solved by our internal troubleshooting SERVICE (service-disk). We reproduce and solve errors here at AutoSoftware without the need to intervene at customer sites.
ASPAN is an integrated CAD-CAM program. Users draw their production parts quickly and easily in the CAD environment and then transfer these to the CAM environment to prepare the optimized machine programs needed to actually produce the part.
A set of easy to understand commands (e.g. “Draw Holes”, “Draw Grooves”) and automatic routines (e.g. “Assign tools”, “Optimize machining sequence”) make it easy for users to define the machining operations to be performed on the unfinished parts.

The subdivision of the working environments allows the user to be easily guided throughout all development and operation phases:
The main or Supervisor environment, which appears after the program has started, displays the preview image of the current drawing, on the right, and the list of the current archive along with search and selection options. If the drawing has been processed in the CAM environment, machine efficiency is displayed at the top right of the screen (ratio between empty shifts and real operations). From this environment it is possible to carry out import or edit procedures for machine configuration and tooling and to run all other program environments.
This is the drawing environment used to create graphic entities such as various types of hole (e.g. standard, countersunk, in lines, angled, hole barriers, ect.) and routings (e.g. straight grooves, arcs, ellipses, rectangles, points, , ect.). Standard commands (e.g. “Join”, “Rotate”, “Auto-join”) and advanced functions (e.g. “Text”,“Empty area”, “Inclined surfaces”) are used to create the desired drawings.
This is the environment where drawings are converted into machine programs by using a series of utilities for operations such as automatically assigning tools and optimizing machining sequences. A series of special commands (e.g. “Inputs/Outputs”, “Multi-machining”) makes it possible to configure the machine program with the exact specifications (e.g. tools, speed, worktable) of the machine currently being used.

In addition to being a very easy – to-use and quick program, ASPAN provides the most advanced user with an efficient internal language, APL (AutoSoftware Programming Language). With APL users can create new CAD and CAM commands to optimize their design procedures.

ASPAN can be linked to a variety of external programs such as “AutoCAD”, “IMOS”, “KDCw”, “Pattern System”,“Cabinet Ware” and “Drill Mate” by using ASC, an AutoSoftware proprietary format, and DXF files. This means that users can prepare designs with their drawing program of choice and then use Aspan functions to generate the machine programs necessary. Linking one program to another is made easy by a series of Aspan utilities such as the “Import CSV file”.
[ top ]
a connection bridge between different machines

ASPAN can handle various machine types and allows the user to generate programs for multiple machines starting out from a single drawing. ASPAN can also reconstruct a drawing starting out from a machine program. This function can be used as a vital link between machines making it possible to pass data from one machine to another (“a connection bridge between different machines”).
Machines from the world’s leading manufacturers such as Morbidelli, SCM, Biesse, Busellato, Anderson, CMS, Homag, Masterwood, Samec, CO.B.A.L.M., Cosmec, Hakkoç and many others are supported by ASPAN.
N.B.: In any case, please contact Autosoftware by providing your machine model and type of CNC equipment used so that we can check your machine's support and assess your particular problems/case.

Machine and tooling configuration is also made easy by an import procedure for configuration data directly from the machine. This operation allows the user to be up and running in a few and simple steps without wasting time with long setting procedures.
[ top ]
additional modules (options)

ASPAN is a modular system (MO.S.T. - Modular Software Tool) suitable to your specific requirements and composed of the following optional modules:
optimized filling of an area (panel of any shape) or the machine worktable (on big panels having various dimensions) with pieces of any shape (graphic entities, complete drawings, ASCII files from other environments, macros);
conversion of bitmap images (BMP), acquired from scanner or other, colour or black&white, in drawings to be used with the program;
realization of doors using predefined models and user customizable models; models are composed by the front and the back of the door and it is possible to create new models. Of any model available just define the door dimensions to obtain its drawing and all its machinings. If used together with nesting option, it is also possible to optimize the machine worktable (on big panels having various dimensions) with the selected doors and of the desired quantity.
furniture construction using a set of predefined templates that can be customized by the user. A wizard will guide the user through the process of defining the characteristics of cabinet and application of hardware. The procedure will create the drawings of all the panels that compose the cabinet, containing defined machinings, machine programs and labels. The drawings generated by the cabinet module may be modified as needed within the CAD environment of ASPAN. Cabinet module also can be used in combination with the Nesting optional module.
[ top ]
distributed versions


just one machine configuration (expandable up to 5);

different options available only upon request;

all options included;

unlimited number of machine configurations available;

Aspan Autosoftware CAD/CAM 9.3

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 24-11-2010, 15:48
24-11-2010, 15:48

QS Shoemaster 10.04 Multilanguage

Category: Shoe CAD

QS Shoemaster 10.04 Multilanguage

Creative has undergone many exciting
enhancements throughout 2010
which has brought the software into
a new dimension. With the ability to
work with a touch screen drawing
tablet and a drawing package, the
software is highly versatile and provides
a variety of options for style
Aside from this, new functions also
included the projection of pictures
onto multiple surfaces and a fabulous
materials browser for textures
and components.
We are also delighted to introduce
our customers to a brand new website
especially for designers. Please do visit
us at
We would like to make this site as interactive
as possible and customers wishing
to showcase their work are invited
to send us examples of shoe projects for
our look book!
This release
For QS 10.04 we are delighted to introduce
a new function to lock the scale of
imported pictures during the alignment
process. A very helpful new measurement
tool has also been implemented
to display markers for measures on
This release also provides the user with
many enhancements to the general,
frequently used functions within the

QS Shoemaster 10.04 Multilanguage

Tags: functions, provides, pictures, delighted, release, customers, drawing, introduce, software, enhancements, invited, their, examples, projects, function, undergone, showcase, wishing, visit, would, Shoemaster 10 Full modull, Hasp, Crack, Emulator,

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 12-11-2010, 13:39
12-11-2010, 13:39


Category: Other Software


IMACAM ADVANCED SOFTWARE has been in design since 1995 and has evolved into the most robust, bug free and affordable database/image enhancement software available. This is a list of just some if IMACAM's features:

* Full screen capture. Most software packages capture very small images, making it impossible to determine if those images are clear and in focus. Our images fill the entire screen when you acquire them
* Inputting patient information is as easy as typing last name ,first name, DOB, then entering twice
* Our network software is designed to be the fastest available no matter how large the database
* HIPPA compliant
* Flexible print features including the ability to zoom an image and then print it
* Easy to use stereo optic nerve review and you can save the images as stereo pairs and print them
* Red free, monochrome, negative, emboss, overlay, RGB
* Annotation, CD ratio measurement and caliper measurement tools
* We integrate with some of the most popular EMR systems


Tags: images, print, software, screen, capture, stereo, features, available, measurement, image, ability, fastest, database, optic, HIPPA, Flexible, nerve, large, including, compliant

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-10-2010, 16:21
27-10-2010, 16:21

ScanView RipMate 5.1

Category: Sing Rip Print

ScanView  RipMate  5.1

RipMate is a software RIP designed to support ScanView’s DotMate line of
high precision internal drum imagesetters. It runs under Windows NT.
This manual contains the information necessary to install and use RipMate,
including a number of valuable tips about how to get the most out of your
RIP and imagesetter.
A second manual, RipMate 4.0 Workstation User’s Guide, explains how to
install the required software on Macintosh and Windows workstations, and
how to send print jobs to RipMate over a network. Please refer to that manual
when you are setting up and using workstations that will send jobs to
For information on installing and using the optional features in RipMate,
please see the RipMate 4.0 Options Manual.
Since RipMate is used with several different DotMate models, some of the
information in the manual may not be applicable to your machine. Such
information is marked.
Information specific to the imagesetter itself, including installation, calibration,
and the handling of media and cassettes is found in the relevant Dot-
Mate manual for the imagesetter you have purchased.

ScanView  RipMate  5.1

Tags: RipMate, manual, information, imagesetter, workstations, install, including, Windows, using, DotMate, software, different, models, features, applicable, several, Options, machine, Since, please

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-10-2010, 16:14
27-10-2010, 16:14

STEIGER Model 7.22 Multi Language

Category: ---

STEIGER Model 7.22 Multi Language

Software to program the machines of the Gemini, Libra and Aries range.

Designed since the beginning under Windows environment and therefore totally PC compatible, this software stands since long time as a benchmark in the sector. The simplicity in the creation and use of its logic symbols really makes every user independent in the creation of his own knitting programs.

The program offers a very important base library that is being constantly updated and enlarged and that can be freely customized by the user. .

Moreover, the program analyses the pattern feasibility and displays a simulation of the knitting process, thus really helping the user to understand the stitch structures formation. .

To program intarsia patterns, an intarsia subroutine analyses and optimizes the simultaneous movements of the 32 available yarn-carriers and consequently generates the knitting program to be down loaded to the machine. .

With a few instructions, this Model version allows from a BMP format graphic design to automatically create the whole program while optimizing the production time.The left end side of the displayed window shows the original graphic pattern while the right one shows the automatically generated program. .

Despite the "full automatic" option, the user can always make changes at each level. For instance, he can directly select the yarn-carriers in a part or in the whole of the program. Or, he may also decide which knitting symbol will be selected or even change the sequence to let the yarn-carriers in and out of the intarsia areas. The final result will be in any case a file that can be read, changed or stored in the Model environment.

With the last version 7.22 , Model presents various news, such as a navigator, the possibility to establish for each row of knitting parameters for carriage speed, take-down speed, stitch.

STEIGER Model 7.22 Multi Language

Tags: program, knitting, intarsia, yarncarriers, Model, stitch, while, analyses, creation, really, pattern, automatically, shows, whole, graphic, speed, version, since, environment, instructions

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-10-2010, 16:06
27-10-2010, 16:06

I-Live Four

Category: Other Software

I-Live Four

I-Live is a software for audio transmission under Windows
98/2000/XP. It is designed for high quality live and news
broadcasting through an ISDN base access (2 channels - 64
Kb\sec) with a 15 kHz audio bandwidth, or of a ADSL
connection. The software can also use a PSTN connection
with low bandwith. The communication can be bi-directional
using simultaneously both channels without worsening the
high quality or the transmission speed of the system. This
software version can be used by desktop or notebook PC.
I-Live needs two fundamental hardware components: a
Sound Blaster audio card compatible and an PSTN or ISDN
modem (or an Ethernet card in case of ADSL connection).
The coding and decoding of audio signals is directly
performed by the CPU according to G711, G722, MPEG 1
layer II (mp2) e III (mp3) algorithms and Vorbis, while data
transmission on ISDN is performed by the driver CAPI of
ISDN modem.
I-Live Four

Tags: audio, connection, transmission, software, channels, modem, performed, quality, ILive, hardware, fundamental, Ethernet, compatible, components, Sound, Blaster, coding, directly, Vorbis, while

Article info
  • Views: 4381
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 11-10-2010, 20:57
11-10-2010, 20:57

Tems Investigation 11.0.1

Category: Telecom Software

Tems Investigation 11.0.1

TEMS Investigation is the industry-leading tool for troubleshooting, verification, optimization, and maintenance of wireless networks. Offering data collection, real-time analysis, and post-processing all in one, TEMS Investigation is a complete solution for all of a network operator’s daily network optimization tasks. This complete solution eliminates the need for multiple tools, reducing costs and saving time and effort for operations staff.
TEMS Investigation supports all major technologies, making it the ideal solution both for rolling out new networks and for ensuring seamless integration with existing networks.Using TEMS Investigation, operators can achieve improved voice quality, increased accessibility, improved retainability, and better service performance. A wide range of powerful, easy-to-use features makes TEMS Investigation essential throughout the network’s life cycle.
TEMS Investigation also offers true multi-vendor support as well as multi-technology infrastructure support. It supports handsets from all major vendors across multiple technologies.
In order to post-process the data that can be collected with TEMS Investigation, TEMS Presentation can also be used to view, optimize, and improve quality of service easily and conveniently.
Use TEMS Investigation to:
Tune and optimize networks
Perform fault-tracing and troubleshooting
Verify true terminal behavior with phone based measurements
Verify cell coverage, capacity, accessibility, etc.
Troubleshoot the network
Perform indoor, pedestrian, and outdoor measurements
Post-process multiple logfiles

- TEMS investigation 8.0.3
- TEMS investigation 9.1
- TEMS investigation 10
- Tems Investigation 11.0.1

Tems Investigation 11.0.1

Tags: TEMS Investigation HASP SRM