Elitron designs and manufactures cad-cam systems for all the sectors of the leather area and so far can count more than 650 systems installed worldwide.Elitron is world leader in the sector of Computerized designing (CAD) and in the CNC automatic leather.Cutting systerms (CAM) ,for the footware.leather goods,fumishing and apparel sectors
Our mission: Increase Productivity.reduce cost and optimize production time,thus guaranteening the maximum guality in each single phase of the manufacturing process:starting from 1995 our goal is to help our customers to perform.their Job with higher profits and speed.In other words£ºbetter
Business organization:the internal organization is divided,into diflerent work groups made up of skilled technicians each working in a specific sector:(1)software development:2D 3Dcad applications and complementary software;(2)Production:electronics and mechanics for 2D and 3D CAM systems;(3)Training:Can be either internal or c/o specialized Vocaional institutes (4)service:direct or through structures placed on the territory
(1)software development:2D 3Dcad applications and complementary software;(2)Production:electronics and mechanics for 2D and 3D CAM systems;(3)Training:Can be either internal or c/o specialized Vocaional institutes (4)service:direct or through structures placed on the territory
(1)software development:2D 3Dcad applications and complementary software;(2)Production:electronics and mechanics for 2D and 3D CAM systems;(3)Training:Can be either internal or c/o specialized Vocaional institutes (4)service:direct or through structures placed on the territory(1)software development:2D 3Dcad applications and complementary software;(2)Production:electronics and mechanics for 2D and 3D CAM systems;(3Training:Can be either internal or c/o specialized Vocaional institutes (4)ervice:direct or through structures placed on the territory
ElitronCad 2D footwear v2.2.5
ElitronCad 2D Leather v2.2.5