ElitronCad is the first Cad/Cam system of the market thanks to its easiness of use and completeness. Developed under Windows operating system, it is characterized by original and simple solutions that spring from a direct knowledge of the footwear sector and from an intensive experience in the field of Cad/Cam applications. Besides ElitronCad 2D is an open system, compatible with any other Cad Cam system in the market.
User interface
It’s all on screen, in its icons and menus. ElitronCad has a rational and intuitive user interface: it features a large working area, a top toolbar containing all the functions shared by the modules and floating toolbars for the specific functions of the given module. The system interacts directly with the user in each single phase of the process through the on-line help, that makes the daily work easy also for operators without computer training. It is characterized by an extreme easiness of use.
Modular system
ElitronCad has been designed with complementary and independent modules. You can begin with the most useful modules and then add others as circumstances require. The modules of ElitronCad for footwear are six:
* Acquisition: through digitalisation, import or scanning.
* Engineering: with specific parametric functions for the 2D designing of footwear styles.
* Pattern Collection: quick and precise extraction of pieces from basic pattern.
* Grading: module for the size grading with its corrections that could be multiple, simultaneous and independent according to customer’s need.
* Nesting: optimal on-screen placement of pieces to be cut.
* Consumption: for the material consumption calculation and the production of technical reports.
The parametric functions allow obtaining automatically stylistic and dimensional changes on all pieces acting directly on the standard.
The system produces a wide range of reports: technical card of the style and its variants, consumptions, list of the basic patterns, customized printings upon customers needs.