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  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 17:05
23-01-2011, 17:05


Category: Other Software


The vision—"To Enrich People's Life Through Communication" has been the guiding light for Huawei people throughout their journey in extending services to carriers across the globe.They have left their footprint in every region where they have forged ahead with determination and strenuous endeavor, from the fertile and magic land along the Nile to Mesopotamia where ancient civilizations originate, from the fascinating but formidable Sahara to the vast Sub-Sahara plain whose beauty is shadowed by constant warfare and disease, from the florid Amazon rain forests with a Samba flavor to the passionate Caribbean Coast, from the European and North American continents featuring high-tech and precision to their oriental neighbors. Along the journey, Huawei network planning and optimization team is playing an increasingly important role in Huawei's global effort in deploying and developing mobile networks.

From the first generation analog mobile communication system to the current third generation (3G) digital mobile communication system, cellular mobile communications has been evolving for the past 20 years. Along with the mobile communication technology, the wireless network planning and optimization service was born and has increasingly evolved. The target of network planning and optimization is to improve the performance of the mobile communication network, meet the service requirements and balance network coverage, quality, and costs.

The network planning and optimization service goes through the entire lifecycle of the network. This service plays a key role in network construction through to the end-of-life of the network.


Tags: network, mobile, planning, optimization, service, communication, their, system, increasingly, generation, Huawei, journey, Along, through, where, deploying, analog, first, effort, networks

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 3-06-2010, 14:32
3-06-2010, 14:32

Sauter NovaPro

Category: Other Software

Sauter NovaPro

YZP 410...431: novaPro Open Suite

Your advantage for more energy efficiency
The management level provides you with an overview of energy and media consumption and enables you to introduce targeted optimisation measures. The effectiveness of introduced measures is immediately verifiable thanks to historical data logging.

Areas of use
Visualisation, control and optimisation of technical plant, for instance in building technology.

Management level for visualising and controlling complex plant in process and building technology (HVAC)
Integration of various non-Sauter systems via ODBC, DDE, SQL or OPC (more than 100 different drivers available)
BACnet Client functionality with graphic visualisation and user interface
Powerful alarm management with variable alarm forwarding via SMS, e-mail, fax, voicemail
Current web technology enables decentralised, multi-user-capable management
System stability through Hot Backup System
Centralised time switching and trend data logging for optimum energy management
Adaptable to suit plant requirements through modular scalability
Fulfils highest security demands through smartcard authentication or biometric (finger print) supported authentication
Audit Trail pursuant to FDA 21CFR Part 11. Historic logging of all system-relevant intervention.
Graphic visualisation on PDA or Smartphone via GPRS, WLAN or Bluetooth

Sauter NovaPro

Tags: management, through, technology, energy, logging, plant, building, System, measures, enables, authentication, alarm, optimisation, visualisation, level, Adaptable, forwarding, optimum, requirements, stability

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-05-2010, 17:49
20-05-2010, 17:49

Metrolog XG v8.002

Category: CAD/CAM CNC

Metrolog XG v8.002

Points Cloud *

Full Metrolog optimization to be able to process millions of points.
New database points cloud tab page.
Possibility to acquire clouds in manual (using arms or laser) or automatic modes (using arms, T-Scan, CMMs).
Three new alignment creation instructions point cloud oriented:
Fit on retrieved features
Improvement of feature retrieve functionality (circle, plane, flush and gap...).
New "Surface Mapping feature for points cloud analysis on the complete CAD or on a part of the CAD. Ability to generate automatically a color mapping associated to this feature.
New Flush & Gap feature.
Points cloud meshing with optional smoothing included.
Advanced points cloud filtering functionalities.
AC, PSL, STL, MTL import / export file formats.
Specific toolbar for point cloud 3D view visualization.
Better consistency between Surface Point and Geometrical Point : same display, same result window, same automatic measurement methods, same print report, same way to define coordinates.
All feature construction fields can be set with calculated values.
Ability to define circle on a cone surface with automatic diameter adjustment.
Possibility to use CAD curves or sophisticated CAD projections to define surface points or geometrical points.
New construction of a geometrical point : offset a point along a direction and a distance.
Best-fit feature construction based on other features probing points.
Construction of line based on other feature direction (main axis or normal).
Automatic inner / outer property recognition in the feature definition dialogs, according to the click or the CAD.
It is now possible to evaluate a circularity on a cone (ISO 1101:2004).
Feature naming rule improvement.
Warning during definition if the shape does not fit the feature. (if a user try to define a circle on elliptic shape).
Single and total runout improvement
Trackers and Arms functionalities
Possibility to use a Metrologic Bundle available to all types of trackers and arms. *
Sphere and circle features can now be used as orientation points.
Improvements in the Build & Inspect: *
a control points prefix name and a family name can be set,
possibility to compare axial feature to cylinder parallel or not to the current alignment axes,
possibility to compare cylinders and cones features to reference shapes.
Ability to combine automatic mode and manual probing.
Support point temperature compensation for Leica, API, Faro tracker. *
Import / Export
Support of the GSURF statement in the DMO import. *
Possibility to import basic point files in working sessions (position, position with normal, point name and position, etc.).
Features (including 3D features shape) can be exported as IGES file.
GM2 program engine
Improvements in path display (ability to display path on part program selection or on all program, and possibility to display only probing points).
Direct jump from active feature to its definition instruction in a part program.
New Find and Replace dialog.
New program import format: DAT.
Improvements in the PNT program converter:
define and/or measurement instructions,
automatic normal calculation by projection on CAD,
selection of the features of the file.

Improvement of the POLAR coordinates management :
teach probing points in the coordinates system of the definition feature,
teach constructions in the coordinates system based on the coordinates system of the features,
support polar coordinates in the Convert Hit Points dialog.
New security position management instructions.

In off-line, possibility to force a part program to be run in automatic mode.
Manual probing assistant can now be based on probing points during a part program execution.

DMIS program engine *

New dialog to generate easily OUTPUT instructions.

Approach and Retract distances automatically adapted to feature size. And these instructions are now learned in the part program.
Automatic recovery of head position and execution mode in a DMIS part program.
Improvements in the PNT program converter:
define and/or measurement instructions,
automatic normal calculation by projection on CAD,
selection of the features of the file.
Improvement of the POLAR coordinates management :
teach probing points in the coordinates system of the definition feature,
teach constructions in the coordinates system based on the coordinates system of the features,
support polar coordinates in the Convert Hit Points dialog.
Possibility to run an external program via the ScriptEngine.
Ability to set a prefix feature name in the Convert Hit Points to Geometrical Points dialog.
Ability to update feature/alignment databases when editing DMIS alignment statements.

CAD entities orientation visualization in the 3D view.
Possibility to reverse the entity orientation.
When defining a geometrical feature from a CAD entity, automatic inner / outer property initialization based on the surface orientation.
Possibility to create a CAD surface by extension with one click on a circle.
Catia V5 R17 supported. *
Automatic CAD surfaces re-orientation with one click.
3D View
Ability to show / hide alignment representation in 3D view for current or CAD alignments.
It is now possible to modify the alignments axes sizes.
New statistic histogram column that can be added in stickers.
New detailed 3D view for form tolerances (flatness, straightness, circularity and cylindricity).
The feature names are now displayed in transparency in the 3D view.
Stickers: feature icon depends of the font size.
Probes *
Faster continuous probes qualification process based on simple points calibration.
Optimized SP600 and SP25 probes calibration.
Support of "L" continuous probes calibration (manual and automatic).
CMM interfaces *
Faro Track Arm.
Perceptron optical sensor on ME5007, ME5008 and CimCore Infinite arms.
Kreon optical sensor available on ME5007 and ME5008.
Leica T-Scan.
Faro Scan Arm.
Reminder: Possible setup with opticals sensors:
T-Scan Perceptron Kreon Datapixel Metris ScanArm
Interfaces Leica
LTD Series X
Infinite X X
Titanium/Platinium X X
ME5008 X X Next Patch Next Patch
It is now possible to define the translation values of a geometrical alignment directly by clicking in the 3D view.
Possible to auto-detect CMM parameters in the Setup Assistant.

New possibility to choose between nominal and actual values in calculated values.

New setting to define the delay between continuous mode and standard mode (portable CMM).
When using the Operator mode, the starting program folder is always reinitialized to its right value after a program execution.
Advanced settings panel can be resized.

Metrolog XG v8.002

Tags: feature, program, points, coordinates, automatic, features, define, probing, Possibility, point, based, instructions, Points, Ability, system, cloud, possibility, dialog, alignment, definition

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-04-2010, 12:32
27-04-2010, 12:32

DELCam DentMILL 2010 5070

Category: Other Software

DELCam DentMILL 2010 5070

DELCam DentMILL 2010 5070


DentMILL is a 3-, 4- and 5-axis dental CAM (computer-aided machining) program for the manufacture of simple and anatomical copings and bridge frameworks, including full crowns, abutments, dental bars, inlays / onlays and implant bridges.

DentMILL is a completely ‘open’ CAM system based on our world-leading machining program, PowerMILL. The most efficient, fast, accurate and time-saving strategies within PowerMILL are all found within DentMILL. This makes it the most highly automated and powerful dental CAM system on the market today. DentMILL uses industry-standard formats to enable easy model sharing and connectivity between other open CADCAM systems and CNC machines.

DELCam DentMILL 2010 5070

Tags: DentMILL, dental, system, within, program, PowerMILL, machining, market, today, industrystandard, powerful, automated, 5axis, found, makes, highly, formats, enable, CADCAM, systems

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:48
20-04-2010, 14:48


Category: Other Software


Performance of the development tools
High-performance database in the GB area
Optimum interaction between the database and interface
Simple initial installation and automatic Kundenupdating
In the program development system CONZEPT 16, these four main requirements are combined on a brilliantly simple way. The Dialog Designer is defined in the RAD method, supported by drag and drop the application. Characterized by the highest performance database is already an integral part of CONZEPT 16 and provides the direct connection between application and database maximum efficiency.

For the real problems often begin after the completion of an application. With CONZEPT 16 is the first installation of the application at the customer, a process that takes only a few minutes setup-based. Using the setup routine will install the necessary files automatically CONZEPT 16 program and the application (for us all contained in the database, and application data file A) is also automatically transferred to the target system. Accordingly, all the steps necessary to operate the customer care and customer training can begin.

Another criterion is the application maintenance in connection with the updating of the customer. The more customers need to be cared for, the greater this problem Preciados is updating the customer is using 16 CONZEPT easy. Per item, the changes are gleaned from the development database and on the client side by page read back - ready. The customer can keep on rolling again. If there are specific processing operations are carried out after the update, this is by connecting directly controllable by the application procedure.

They say it is not - let them convince you directly!

Make an appointment for evaluation workshop with us.


Tags: application, customer, database, CONZEPT, development, directly, system, connection, after, necessary, updating, program, begin, automatically, between, installation, software, please, maintenance, email

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:09
20-04-2010, 14:09


Category: Textile


This system ensures the easy and rapid creation of patterns both for machines with electronically controlled bars, and for machines with mechanical drive (link chain). It can be used on any PC which has a Windows 2000/XP operating system.
ComezDraw 4 is the ideal instrument for all the users of our machines, and offers a number of benefits:
a design can be created and modified in minutes thanks to the use of a scanner
easy storage of set-up charts on computer and automatic calculation of yarn consumption
it reduces errors and thus also the time needed for trials with the machine thanks to the realistic simulation of the end result
automatic programming of the COMEZ electronic machines.


Tags: machines, system, thanks, automatic, consumption, charts, calculation, computer, setup, storage, created, design, modified, minutes, scanner, reduces, benefits, COMEZ, programming, electronic

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 13:52
20-04-2010, 13:52

Movicon 9.1 613

Category: Other Software

Movicon 9.1 613

Integrated Building Management.
The ever-increasing demand for Building Automation and domotics prompted Progea to create a special poduct line for this sector.
The Movicon™ BA software is more capable of making your building supervision the most powerful, open and scalable than any other software around.

Movicon™ BA is Progea’s supervision solution for intelligent buildings. Progea is a major leading expert company in supervision and control software systems (Scada/HMI). Movicon™ BA offers all the great advantages of ‘Open’ software for integration and visualization of automation systems for modern buildings, whether residential, industrial, services or big communities. Movicon™BA provides all the advantages of modern software with very flexible solutions. Great experience matured through years of success, has allowed Progea to deliver solutions to all those who demand an integrated system using an all-in-one, powerful, open, visualization and control software.

One open solution
Movicon™ BA guarantees all the openness needed in integrating all building management systems into the one same supervision project. Just the one project guaranteed to save time and resources, while increasing supervision and control potentialities at the same time.

The Movicon™ BA platform technology is completely based on the XML standard. In one-only visualization you can finally connect control buses, lights, heating and air conditioning systems, security systems, video surveillance, energy saving systems and any other devices commonly used in the building management environment.

Deployment flexibility
Thanks to the Movicon™ BA flexibilitiness, you can integrate your systems into any type of architecture, such as Desktop PCs, Media Centers, Tablet PC (Win32 or Win64), Touch Panel (WinXPE or WinCE), Palm tops or SmartPhones (Windows Mobile), or access your system through the web using any internet Browser or java phone from wherever you may happen to be in the world. No limits to the visualization solutions you can use to get everything under your control.

Creating supervision projects with Movicon™ BA is simple and fun. A powerful object oriented editor allows you to create graphical interfaces with animated and interactive screen pages, using the full range of vector graphics, or you can even apply your own BMP, GIF and JPG drawings. All the tools you will ever need integrated and ready-to-use. Pre-configured graphics libraries, communication drivers, alarm management, historical logs and control, event scheduling, trends, charts are all within-a-click’s reach in an all-rolled-into one userfriendly software environment.

Integration is the keyword
Movicon™BA offers the advantage of hardware independency. This means you can use the same software in PCs, Touch Screens or Palmtops, connected buses, such as EIB/Konnex, LON, BACNet, to all the building control systems, with control panels, such as Notifier, Elkron and others, with bus systems with Modus RTU or TCP Modbus interfacing and many other system types. You can integrate CCTVs and IP Cameras and be completely free to decide and choose how you want your system by using just the one same software. Maximum deployment flexibility while safeguarding your investments at the same time all guaranteed.

Information sharing on the net.
Movicon™ BA offers the advantages of being able to freely circulate information thanks to its Networking functions in Ethernet networks and the OPC technology, allowing you to integrate your supervisor into your building’s LAN systems.

Enhanced Potentialities
All conventional supervisory system limits have been surpassed. Movicon™ BA consents all the powerful functionalities typical of SCADA/ HMI systems, but with remarkably enhanced visualization potentialities. You will be provided with a powerful object-oriented environment, with powerful managements for alarms, historical logs in DBMS (ie. SQL Server, Oracle, MsAccess), trends, scenarios, schedulers and control logic. All at your complete disposal and ready-to-use in one powerful but very simple-to-use programming environment.

Cost effective
Movicon™ BA permits you to use just the one development environment for all your supervision and control systems, saving you a great deal in learning, training personnel and maintenance costs. The Movicon™ BA licenses are scalable, flexible and upgradeable to Movicon™11, contributing even further development and maintenance cost reductions.
Your building management systems can finally be completely integrated into one supervision system and accessed with
palmtops or controlled externally through the Internet. All this can be done in next-to-no-time thanks to Movicon™ BA.

Movicon 9.1 613

Tags: systems, Movicon™, software, control, supervision, powerful, system, building, visualization, environment, using, management, completely, through, integrated, other, offers, Progea, integrate, solutions

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 13:09
20-04-2010, 13:09

Alvis – Alarm Visualisation System 3.1

Category: Other Software

Alvis – Alarm Visualisation System 3.1

ALViS - Features
AlViS is a general-purpose tool to develop an user specific monitoring and control system. AlViS is a result of long-term development with hundreds of installations. It is suitable whenever a more transparent and comfortable graphical presentation of the monitored area is required.

By its conception and price AlViS is suitable for all types and sizes of the monitoring and control applications from the small ones, consisting of several monitoring zones only, to the large applications with numerous attached sensors.
Open system

AlViS has no limitation of sort, quantity, producer neither of way of the monitored devices connection. The number of supported systems, rather large nowadays, is still growing; beside drivers delivered by Spirit Ltd., all the devices equipped with general-purpose interfaces (OPC, Modbus, DDE, Espa, Ascii) could be connected to ALVIS .

AlViS is based on scaled architecture enabling client-server communication as well as robust Database & WEB server installation. Following the requirements of the customer the system could be simple desktop installation or distributed LAN client-server installation or Database/WEB server installation. The favourable possibility is the option to combine ALVIS desktop reach feature graphical clients with Internet Explorer WEB clients on one installation . AlViS client is covering "application development functions", "OnLine backend communication processes function" as well as "graphical desktop client function" ensuring the whole visualization part of the system. For functioning one or more drivers are needed, which communicate with attached devices and are servicing the necessary data to AlViS. The driver-programs communicate with clients through the standard TCP/IP LAN protocol or alternatively local by DDE protocol . The number of driver-servers and clients running in the network is not limited and every client can describe optional subset data, provided by the driver-servers.

Alvis – Alarm Visualisation System 3.1

Tags: AlViS, installation, system, clients, graphical, devices, client, monitoring, desktop, protocol, applications, attached, number, large, could, communication, server, clientserver, ALVIS, drivers

Article info
  • Views: 5306
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 9-04-2010, 13:22
9-04-2010, 13:22


Category: Textile


Logica Automatik Process ( Universal)
Logica WinmeCad (Mec-Mor)
Logica Styler 5 (Da kong)
Logica Colosio (Regina Jolly, Magica,Rise )
Logica MKS Knitting System (Monarch )
Logica Emmy (Emmy )
Logica Simula (Shima )
Logica Simula (Omega )


Tags: Logica, Simula, Knitting, DOWNLOAD, System, Monarch, Shima, MagicaRise, Omega, Regina, Universal, Process, Automatik, WinmeCad, MecMor, Colosio, Styler, Jolly