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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 17:05
23-01-2011, 17:05


Category: Other Software


The vision—"To Enrich People's Life Through Communication" has been the guiding light for Huawei people throughout their journey in extending services to carriers across the globe.They have left their footprint in every region where they have forged ahead with determination and strenuous endeavor, from the fertile and magic land along the Nile to Mesopotamia where ancient civilizations originate, from the fascinating but formidable Sahara to the vast Sub-Sahara plain whose beauty is shadowed by constant warfare and disease, from the florid Amazon rain forests with a Samba flavor to the passionate Caribbean Coast, from the European and North American continents featuring high-tech and precision to their oriental neighbors. Along the journey, Huawei network planning and optimization team is playing an increasingly important role in Huawei's global effort in deploying and developing mobile networks.

From the first generation analog mobile communication system to the current third generation (3G) digital mobile communication system, cellular mobile communications has been evolving for the past 20 years. Along with the mobile communication technology, the wireless network planning and optimization service was born and has increasingly evolved. The target of network planning and optimization is to improve the performance of the mobile communication network, meet the service requirements and balance network coverage, quality, and costs.

The network planning and optimization service goes through the entire lifecycle of the network. This service plays a key role in network construction through to the end-of-life of the network.


Tags: network, mobile, planning, optimization, service, communication, their, system, increasingly, generation, Huawei, journey, Along, through, where, deploying, analog, first, effort, networks

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  • Views: 3428
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 23-01-2011, 16:09
23-01-2011, 16:09

Actix Software 4.05

Category: Telecom Software

Actix Software 4.05

The ActixOne optimization platform provides a unified workspace for automating an unparalleled breadth of mobile network optimization activities. ActixOne is a multi-vendor, multi-technology platform that supports all key mobile network data sources, embeds automated diagnostics and solution-finding algorithms, and delivers visualization, analysis, and optimization software capabilities through a web-based interface.

Key features of the ActixOne optimization platform include:

Web-based interface: ActixOne uses smart client technology to provide a rich, interactive web-based interface that behaves like a desktop application. Dashboards with dynamic maps, charts, and tables provide powerful visualization capabilities.

Centralized data repository: The ActixOne repository is based on the scalable Oracle database platform, which allows mobile network optimization data to be brought together, synchronized, and archived in a single location.

Scalable to thousands of users and TBs of data: ActixOne’s 3-tier architecture can be scaled up and out to support both small regional deployments and large nationwide systems. ActixOne optimization platforms are deployed at Tier-1 operators where they support over 150,000 sectors, 40 Terabytes of data, and 400 users.

Modern service-oriented architecture: ActixOne is built upon proven industry technologies (J2EE application servers) and provides access to key capabilities and data over a standards-based web services layer.

The ActixOne platform is implemented with a multi-tier, service-oriented architecture.

Modular functionality: ActixOne has a modular architecture, enabling operators to expand their analytics capabilities as their mobile network grows or new data sources become available.
Tour ActixOne

Learn how our single powerful platform is changing the way mobile network analytics and optimization are done

Actix Software 4.05

Tags: ActixOne, optimization, platform, network, mobile, architecture, capabilities, interface, operators, visualization, users, repository, sources, powerful, their, provide, single, application, provides, serviceoriented

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-05-2010, 12:42
15-05-2010, 12:42


Category: CAD/CAM CNC


NC-HOPS offers optimum solutions for the Woodworking and related Industries, through its flexible software structure.

NC-HOPS can be expanded as much as you like due to its modular concept and the open system structure. Customer-specific solutions are achievable at any time.

An application interface allows to simply add the additional modules. With NC-HOPS you invest in your future.

Die optional modules for NC-HOPS are:

CAD interface (i.e. AutoCAD)

Cutting list integration

Solutions for door and window frame applications

Solutions for the custom builder

Optimization of toolpath and relocatable point of origin

Integration of Laser Projection

Easy positioning of vacuum pods and fixtures

Support of multi channel machining concepts


Tags: NCHOPS, structure, interface, modules, Solutions, solutions, Optimization, toolpath, relocatable, window, builder, frame, applications, point, custom, Integration, Support, fixtures, multi, channelmachining

Article info
  • Views: 5995
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-04-2010, 14:14
20-04-2010, 14:14

TEMS Investigation

Category: Telecom Software

TEMS Investigation

TEMS Investigation is the industry-leading tool for troubleshooting, verification, optimization, and maintenance of wireless networks. Offering data collection, real-time analysis, and post-processing all in one, TEMS Investigation is a complete solution for all of a network operator’s daily network optimization tasks. This complete solution eliminates the need for multiple tools, reducing costs and saving time and effort for operations staff.
TEMS Investigation supports all major technologies, making it the ideal solution both for rolling out new networks and for ensuring seamless integration with existing networks.Using TEMS Investigation, operators can achieve improved voice quality, increased accessibility, improved retainability, and better service performance. A wide range of powerful, easy-to-use features makes TEMS Investigation essential throughout the network’s life cycle.
TEMS Investigation also offers true multi-vendor support as well as multi-technology infrastructure support. It supports handsets from all major vendors across multiple technologies.
In order to post-process the data that can be collected with TEMS Investigation, TEMS Presentation can also be used to view, optimize, and improve quality of service easily and conveniently.
Use TEMS Investigation to:
Tune and optimize networks
Perform fault-tracing and troubleshooting
Verify true terminal behavior with phone based measurements
Verify cell coverage, capacity, accessibility, etc.
Troubleshoot the network
Perform indoor, pedestrian, and outdoor measurements
Post-process multiple logfiles

- TEMS investigation 8.0.3
- TEMS investigation 9.1
- TEMS investigation 10
- Tems Investigation 11.0.1

TEMS Investigation

Tags: Investigation, investigation, network, multiple, networks, solution, optimize, accessibility, measurements, quality, supports, complete, service, optimization, Verify, troubleshooting, Perform, technologies, major, support