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  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-10-2010, 16:21
27-10-2010, 16:21

ScanView RipMate 5.1

Category: Sing Rip Print

ScanView  RipMate  5.1

RipMate is a software RIP designed to support ScanView’s DotMate line of
high precision internal drum imagesetters. It runs under Windows NT.
This manual contains the information necessary to install and use RipMate,
including a number of valuable tips about how to get the most out of your
RIP and imagesetter.
A second manual, RipMate 4.0 Workstation User’s Guide, explains how to
install the required software on Macintosh and Windows workstations, and
how to send print jobs to RipMate over a network. Please refer to that manual
when you are setting up and using workstations that will send jobs to
For information on installing and using the optional features in RipMate,
please see the RipMate 4.0 Options Manual.
Since RipMate is used with several different DotMate models, some of the
information in the manual may not be applicable to your machine. Such
information is marked.
Information specific to the imagesetter itself, including installation, calibration,
and the handling of media and cassettes is found in the relevant Dot-
Mate manual for the imagesetter you have purchased.

ScanView  RipMate  5.1

Tags: RipMate, manual, information, imagesetter, workstations, install, including, Windows, using, DotMate, software, different, models, features, applicable, several, Options, machine, Since, please

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-10-2010, 16:14
27-10-2010, 16:14

STEIGER Model 7.22 Multi Language

Category: ---

STEIGER Model 7.22 Multi Language

Software to program the machines of the Gemini, Libra and Aries range.

Designed since the beginning under Windows environment and therefore totally PC compatible, this software stands since long time as a benchmark in the sector. The simplicity in the creation and use of its logic symbols really makes every user independent in the creation of his own knitting programs.

The program offers a very important base library that is being constantly updated and enlarged and that can be freely customized by the user. .

Moreover, the program analyses the pattern feasibility and displays a simulation of the knitting process, thus really helping the user to understand the stitch structures formation. .

To program intarsia patterns, an intarsia subroutine analyses and optimizes the simultaneous movements of the 32 available yarn-carriers and consequently generates the knitting program to be down loaded to the machine. .

With a few instructions, this Model version allows from a BMP format graphic design to automatically create the whole program while optimizing the production time.The left end side of the displayed window shows the original graphic pattern while the right one shows the automatically generated program. .

Despite the "full automatic" option, the user can always make changes at each level. For instance, he can directly select the yarn-carriers in a part or in the whole of the program. Or, he may also decide which knitting symbol will be selected or even change the sequence to let the yarn-carriers in and out of the intarsia areas. The final result will be in any case a file that can be read, changed or stored in the Model environment.

With the last version 7.22 , Model presents various news, such as a navigator, the possibility to establish for each row of knitting parameters for carriage speed, take-down speed, stitch.

STEIGER Model 7.22 Multi Language

Tags: program, knitting, intarsia, yarncarriers, Model, stitch, while, analyses, creation, really, pattern, automatically, shows, whole, graphic, speed, version, since, environment, instructions

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 27-10-2010, 16:06
27-10-2010, 16:06

I-Live Four

Category: Other Software

I-Live Four

I-Live is a software for audio transmission under Windows
98/2000/XP. It is designed for high quality live and news
broadcasting through an ISDN base access (2 channels - 64
Kb\sec) with a 15 kHz audio bandwidth, or of a ADSL
connection. The software can also use a PSTN connection
with low bandwith. The communication can be bi-directional
using simultaneously both channels without worsening the
high quality or the transmission speed of the system. This
software version can be used by desktop or notebook PC.
I-Live needs two fundamental hardware components: a
Sound Blaster audio card compatible and an PSTN or ISDN
modem (or an Ethernet card in case of ADSL connection).
The coding and decoding of audio signals is directly
performed by the CPU according to G711, G722, MPEG 1
layer II (mp2) e III (mp3) algorithms and Vorbis, while data
transmission on ISDN is performed by the driver CAPI of
ISDN modem.
I-Live Four

Tags: audio, connection, transmission, software, channels, modem, performed, quality, ILive, hardware, fundamental, Ethernet, compatible, components, Sound, Blaster, coding, directly, Vorbis, while

Article info
  • Views: 4397
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 11-10-2010, 20:57
11-10-2010, 20:57

Tems Investigation 11.0.1

Category: Telecom Software

Tems Investigation 11.0.1

TEMS Investigation is the industry-leading tool for troubleshooting, verification, optimization, and maintenance of wireless networks. Offering data collection, real-time analysis, and post-processing all in one, TEMS Investigation is a complete solution for all of a network operator’s daily network optimization tasks. This complete solution eliminates the need for multiple tools, reducing costs and saving time and effort for operations staff.
TEMS Investigation supports all major technologies, making it the ideal solution both for rolling out new networks and for ensuring seamless integration with existing networks.Using TEMS Investigation, operators can achieve improved voice quality, increased accessibility, improved retainability, and better service performance. A wide range of powerful, easy-to-use features makes TEMS Investigation essential throughout the network’s life cycle.
TEMS Investigation also offers true multi-vendor support as well as multi-technology infrastructure support. It supports handsets from all major vendors across multiple technologies.
In order to post-process the data that can be collected with TEMS Investigation, TEMS Presentation can also be used to view, optimize, and improve quality of service easily and conveniently.
Use TEMS Investigation to:
Tune and optimize networks
Perform fault-tracing and troubleshooting
Verify true terminal behavior with phone based measurements
Verify cell coverage, capacity, accessibility, etc.
Troubleshoot the network
Perform indoor, pedestrian, and outdoor measurements
Post-process multiple logfiles

- TEMS investigation 8.0.3
- TEMS investigation 9.1
- TEMS investigation 10
- Tems Investigation 11.0.1

Tems Investigation 11.0.1

Tags: TEMS Investigation HASP SRM

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 9-10-2010, 15:54
9-10-2010, 15:54


Category: Other Software


is the tagline for wysiwyg - and we mean for you to take it literally. wysiwyg previsualizations and renders are really virtually real! What you see in your renders or on screen is exactly what you can get on the set, in the venue or on the exterior of the building. Why is this so important? Because your professionalism depends on it!
You need to know that you can deliver the results as portrayed for the project - and that's the solution wysiwyg delivers. With new wysiwyg you get both the pretty picture and the confidence you can deliver it - a win-win. No more working off a pretty picture that was created without industry technology and therefore cannot possibly deliver the results as promised. With a proprietary library of over 20,000 lights, gobos, and trusses we simply don't need to cheat it!
wysiwyg's visualization sets the standard for the industry, but the ongoing development of our new features and visualizations has not sacrificed robustness


Tags: WYSIWYG Download Sentinel

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 5-10-2010, 23:18
5-10-2010, 23:18

BISCO 2D steady state heat transfer free form

Category: Other Software

BISCO  2D steady state heat transfer free form

Conversion of DXF file to 256 colours BMP file, via input of colour for each DXF layer and input of bitmap resolution
256 colours BMP file contains geometric description required by BISCO
Colours in BMP file are indices to materials and boundary conditions
Thermal properties
Linked to bitmap via colours
Materials: thermal conductivity, surface emissivity.
Automatic calculation of equivalent thermal conductivity for air cavities.
Optimisation of air cavities by detecting grooves and interconnections
Surface boundary conditions: ambient temperature, heat transfer coefficient, heat flux.
Improved simulation of radiation and convection by use of RADCON module.
Detection of surfaces with increased surface resistance (in edges or junctions between two surfaces)
Line boundary conditions (fixed temperature or flux) in borderlines between two colours

Colours with predefined thermal properties when starting from template file
Load thermal properties from material database
Triangular mesh generation based on mesh size per colour
Calculation of linear thermal transmittance, and thermal transmittance of a window frame

Isotherms, heat flux magnitudes, heat flow lines
Minimum and maximum temperature, incoming and leaving heat flows per colour
Balanced air temperature for enclosed air cavities
Thermal transmittances and thermal bridge performances
Automatic report generation
Thermal bridge analysis: heat loss calculation, surface condensation (ISO/FDIS 10211, ISO 13788)
Thermal transmittances of building components and elements (EN ISO 6946)
Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters (EN ISO 10077-2)
Heat transfer via the ground (ISO 13370)
Dynamic version: BISTRA
TRISCO can read BISCO data (creates extruded profile, based on bitmap)
SOLIDO can read BISCO data (creates STL files per colour for extruded profile, based on triangulation mesh)

BISCO  2D steady state heat transfer free form

Tags: Bisco Sentinel SuperPro

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 5-10-2010, 23:16
5-10-2010, 23:16

BISTRA 2D transient heat transfer free form

Category: Other Software

BISTRA  2D transient heat transfer free form

Bitmap input
Same as in BISCO (also drawing and fill tools for bitmap editing)
Additional input of material densities and specific heat values
Thermal conductivities and specific heat values may be temperature dependent (e.g. useful in fire simulations)
Dynamic boundary conditions
Boundary conditions are time dependent functions: constant, steps, periodic, reference climate, fire curve, user defined
Preview (with zoom) of time functions and temperature functions (material properties)
Improved simulation of (non-linear) radiation and convection by use of RADCON module
Dynamic calculation parameters: time step interval; start-up calculation duration to get dynamic start values; calculation duration
Automatic triangulation and view factor calculation
Multiple calculation cycles of linear systems for solving non-linear properties
Temperature calculation at time step intervals using Cranck-Nicolson finite difference method
Recalculation of temperature dependent properties at each time step
Graphic animations (AVI files) of time varying temperatures
Snapshots at any time step
Tables and graphs of time varying temperatures and heat flows
Transient analysis of thermal bridges / construction elements
Dynamic thermal analysis of heating / cooling
Fire engineering (according to Eurocodes)
Ground heat losses (EN ISO 13370) and
frost insulation (EN ISO 13793)
Glass fracture caused by solar radiation
Phase change materials (PCM)

BISTRA  2D transient heat transfer free form

Tags: Bistra Sentinel SuperPro

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 5-10-2010, 14:16
5-10-2010, 14:16


Category: Shoe CAD


DIMENSIONS™ - a product outline

DIMENSIONS!™ is a Computer Aided Design System based on Microsoft™ technology that was developed in cooperation with users, customers, and industry advisers to address the requirements of the leather manufacturing industry. Our team’s more than 20 years of collective experience in the development of human-centered software solutions are concentrated in DIMENSIONS!™. The system can be operated as a stand-alone solution, or be integrated in an IT-network, build on off-the-shelf DB server.

DIMENSIONS!™ is the foundation of Procam’s software solutions for integrated product development. The CAD data and information contained within DIMENSIONS!™ are the basis for all further enterprise processes, such as cost calculation, material allocation, cutting, product data managment, production planning, etc. Because of this, future-oriented technologies and open standards were a basic requirement during development.
DIMENSIONS™ - Benefits

* Reduced Development Periods
* Individual Working Routines
* Interactive 2D/3D Operation
* Database Connectivity
* Integration

DIMENSIONS™ - Key features

* Pattern Engineering System (CAD)
* Full 2D and 3D CAD integration
* 2D technical tool (engineering, grading, etc.)
* 3D virtual design tool (communication tool)
* Third party integration (Adobe, Excel, etc.)
* Database Interfaces (Oracle®, MS-SQL®)
* Communication based on standard http
* Ray Tracing


Tags: Procam DIMENSIONS Full

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 5-10-2010, 13:58
5-10-2010, 13:58

Shoemaster PDM

Category: Shoe CAD

Shoemaster PDM

PDM Development Modules

* PDM Bill of Material
* PDM PDM Specifications
* PDM Materials

The fundamental set of programs needed for managing documents. Specification, Cutting, Stitching and Making sheets are all integrated with CAD systems. Each sheet is customisable and simply interfaced to legacy ERP or other PDM systems.
PDM Production Modules

* PDM Working Cycles
* PDM Cutting Automation

All production information can be maintained within a single software module. Working cycles, machinery and human resources, production times and costs can be managed by using a PDM database that is always linked with current model and article information. Additionally, a specific module to supervise automated cutting departments can be added to balance the cutting department workload and increase productivity.
PDM Costing Modules

* PDM Consumption
* PDM Costing

A simple and powerful spreadsheet, used to perform different types of cost analysis, including "what if simulations. Costs are calculated in conjunction with a scientific leather and synthetic consumption tool. The spreadsheets are customisable and data can be interchanged with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.


* Control and Management of Product Information in all stages of shoe development and production
* Customisable database
* Customisable Reports and Specification Sheets
* Integrated with MS Access and MS SQL server
* Legacy systems integration (via ODBC, XML, text files, MS Access)
* Easy integration with other Shoemaster CAD packages to ensure that all information is kept up to date

Shoemaster PDM

Tags: Shoemaster PDM Crack

Article info
  • Views:
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 3-10-2010, 21:21
3-10-2010, 21:21


Category: CAD/CAM CNC


CAD Surface modeler
OmniCAD® is a 3D surface modeler CAD integrated with a 2D environment. OmniCAD® is a sophisticated software produced and developed over the years for mould and die designing and for constructing complex 3D models, its main aim being precision problem solving. Its numerous verticals, backed up by power and speed calculation, versatility and precision, make OmniCAD® an essential tool which has today become an absolute reference point in the automotive environment.

The OmniCAD® engine
No efficient verticals or automatisms could be possible without a well designed engine.
OmniCADs verticals are powerful, thanks to a stable, robust and well performing engine, to the point that the most difficult operation seems simple and natural.

Main Functions
Production of all surface types with pass and tangency conditions, creation of blending surfaces with group selection, automatisms to create groups of surfaces bounded to certain circumstances, projection modelling and multiple trimmings on various surfaces. Functions to create surfaces starting from an existing model. Verification function on the surfaces: tangency conditions, convexity etc, functions for approximation and conversion of different types. Functions for a complete 2D drawing.

Functions dedicated to the Sheet-Metal Die and Moulds
Macro-automatisms and commands with finishing functionalities make up a tool able to complete a die design within very competitive time limits. For certain operations that have a significant effect on the speed of project completion (for example the trimming development), OmniCAD® must be the final choice.

Surmod : the module for modification comparisons
Surmod compares two mathematical models underlining the modifications in terms of volume and shape. By using this instrument, the empiric methods commonly used in modification comparisons can be omitted. Even though SURMOD allows some operative freedom, it provides final solutions adopting a scientific approach and reports detailed documentation to certify the analyses carried out


Tags: omnicad full, hardlock,